php Programming Glossary: cn
GeoLocation API Europe CI Africa CK Australia CL South America CM Africa CN Asia CO South America CR North America CU North America CV Africa..
Active Directory Lookup via PHP 3 ldap_set_option ldapconn LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS 0 dn CN Users also tried DC example DC co DC uk filter SAMAccountName.. The normale base DN for the users' container should be CN Users DC yourdomain DC yourtopleveldomain which is for example.. DC yourdomain DC yourtopleveldomain which is for example CN Users DC example DC local . The filter you're using is correct..
Convert this php digital signing to Delphi 365 newkey rsa 1024 sha1 subj C US ST CA L Mountain View CN keyout myrsakey.pem out c temp myrsacert.pem..
PHP / SimpleXML - Why does Simplexml_load_string() fail to parse Google Weather API xml in Chinese (zh-CN) fail to parse Google Weather API xml in Chinese zh CN I'm trying to load parse a Google Weather API response chinese.. 'http ig api weather 11791 hl zh CN' Warning simplexml_load_string function.simplexml load string.. 'http ig api weather 11102 hl zh CN' xml simplexml_load_string googleData Warning simplexml_load_string..
How to get SSL certificate info with CURL in PHP? 1 Client SSL Cert Issuer C ZA O Thawte Consulting Pty Ltd. CN Thawte SGC CA Client SSL Cert Subject C US ST California L Mountain.. Subject C US ST California L Mountain View O Google Inc CN Client SSL Cipher RC4 SHA Client SSL Warning..
List of All Locales and Their Short Codes? IN az Cyrl AZ az Latn AZ ba RU be BY bg BG bn BD bn IN bo CN br FR bs Cyrl BA bs Latn BA ca ES co FR cs CZ cy GB da DK de.. he IL hi IN hr BA hr HR hsb DE hu HU hy AM id ID ig NG ii CN is IS it CH it IT iu Cans CA iu Latn CA ja JP ka GE kk KZ kl.. KG lb LU lo LA lt LT lv LV mi NZ mk MK ml IN mn MN mn Mong CN moh CA mr IN ms BN ms MY mt MT nb NO ne NP nl BE nl NL nn NO..
Change Password in Active Directory using LDAP/PHP/IIS/SSL using admin username and password could also use dn... ie. CN Administrator CN Users DC TestDomain DC local result ldap_bind.. and password could also use dn... ie. CN Administrator CN Users DC TestDomain DC local result ldap_bind ldap_conn username@.. ou_dn firstName lastName username pwdtxt email dn CN firstName lastName . ou_dn ## Create Unicode password newPassword..
Finding cartesian product with PHP associative arrays inside product 4b For each value in the set VN 2 ... VN CN add to product a copy of item but change the value with the.. but change the value with the key KN to VN m for all 2 m CN . The two iterations 4a over product and 4b over the Nth input.. 4b over the Nth input sub array ends up with result having CN items for every item it had before the iterations so in the..
How do I get the first day of the week for the current locale? (PHP / L8N) QA SA SD SO TN YE firstDay day sun territories AS AZ BW CA CN FO GE GL GU HK IE IL IN IS JM JP KG KR LA MH MN MO MP MT NZ..
LDAP and PHP 0 i info count i echo dn is . info i dn . br echo first cn entry is . info i cn 0 . br echo first email entry is . info.. dn is . info i dn . br echo first cn entry is . info i cn 0 . br echo first email entry is . info i mail 0 . br hr echo..
Set locale in Symfony 2.1 Default index _locale en requirements _locale en fr cn about pattern _locale about defaults _controller FKMyWebsiteBundle.. Default about _locale en requirements _locale en fr cn php symfony2 locale symfony 2.1 share improve this question.. switcher in your template for locale in 'en' 'fr' 'cn' li if locale app.request.locale class active endif a href path..
extract text from tag 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' . _SERVER 'REQUEST_URI' hd fopen file 'r' cn fread hd filesize file fclose hd cnc preg_replace ' p . p '.. hd fopen file 'r' cn fread hd filesize file fclose hd cnc preg_replace ' p . p ' ' 1' cn php share improve this question.. hd filesize file fclose hd cnc preg_replace ' p . p ' ' 1' cn php share improve this question Try this html file_get_contents..
Why doesn't this code simply print letters A to Z? bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh..
Authenticating user using LDAP from PHP ou bluebird dc bluebird dc ac dc my LDAP account to bind cn kikdap ou servacc dc bluebird dc ac dc uk LDAP account password..
PDO Unbuffered queries I'm trying to get into PDO details. So I coded this cn getConnection get table sequence comando call p_generate_seq.. comando call p_generate_seq 'bitacora' id getValue cn comando comando 'INSERT INTO dsa_bitacora id estado fch_creacion.. 1 ' fch_creacion' date 'Y m d H i s' execWithParameters cn comando parametros my getValue function works fine and I get..