php Programming Glossary: coalesce
Coalesce function for PHP? function for PHP Many programming languages have a coalesce function returns the first non NULL value example . PHP sadly..
Watermark on animated gif with php bumpmap gravity sGravity sfLogo sf sfDest sCmd convert sf coalesce gravity south draw 'image over 0 0 0 0 sfLogo ' sfDest exec.. logo.png watermarked_animation morph.gif cmd animation coalesce gravity South . geometry 0 0 null watermark layers composite..
MySQL Error - Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now 8 DAY from circle_pending_temp SET @sql CONCAT 'SELECT coalesce email_Circle ''Grand Total'' Circle max ` 9 days` ` 9 days`.. c.email_Circle date_format c.mailtime '' e b'' maildate coalesce o.` 9 days` 0 ` 9 days` from circle_pending_temp c left join..
PHP Booking timeslot design share improve this question select id_TimeSlot coalesce Thera_A 'available' as Thera_A coalesce Thera_B 'available'.. select id_TimeSlot coalesce Thera_A 'available' as Thera_A coalesce Thera_B 'available' as Thera_B coalesce Thera_C 'available'.. as Thera_A coalesce Thera_B 'available' as Thera_B coalesce Thera_C 'available' as Thera_C from select t.id_TimeSlot max..
Resize animated gif file without destroying animation imagemagick access you can do this system convert big.gif coalesce coalesce.gif system convert size 200x100 coalesce.gif resize.. access you can do this system convert big.gif coalesce coalesce.gif system convert size 200x100 coalesce.gif resize 200x10 small.gif.. big.gif coalesce coalesce.gif system convert size 200x100 coalesce.gif resize 200x10 small.gif this is most likely possible with..
Merge a table and a change log into a view in PostgreSQL an instance with its latest values SELECT i.unique_id COALESCE c.col1 i.col1 COALESCE c.col2 i.col2 FROM x.instances i LEFT.. latest values SELECT i.unique_id COALESCE c.col1 i.col1 COALESCE c.col2 i.col2 FROM x.instances i LEFT JOIN x.f_curr_instance..
Searching for availability with MySQL (and PHP)? t.EarliestAvailable AS LengthAvailable FROM SELECT u. COALESCE b1.End @StartOfWindow AS EarliestAvailable COALESCE b2.Start.. u. COALESCE b1.End @StartOfWindow AS EarliestAvailable COALESCE b2.Start @EndOfWindow AS LatestAvailable FROM LettingUnits u..
MySQL greatest value in row? CASE statement to get column names SELECT id CASE GREATEST COALESCE `1` 2147483646 COALESCE `2` 2147483646 COALESCE `3` 2147483646.. names SELECT id CASE GREATEST COALESCE `1` 2147483646 COALESCE `2` 2147483646 COALESCE `3` 2147483646 WHEN `1` THEN 1 WHEN.. GREATEST COALESCE `1` 2147483646 COALESCE `2` 2147483646 COALESCE `3` 2147483646 WHEN `1` THEN 1 WHEN `2` THEN 2 WHEN `3` THEN..
mysql if row doesn't exist, grab default value