php Programming Glossary: cloned
Hash::make not working route.php file the develop branch of laravel laravel. If you originally cloned this repository and still share a git history with it you can..
what is Object Cloning in php? of the object. This means that internal objects of the cloned object will not be cloned unless you explicitly instruct the.. that internal objects of the cloned object will not be cloned unless you explicitly instruct the object to clone these internal.. as the internal objects of the original object that was cloned. Consider these examples in this exampe the internal member..
What does this signature mean(&) in PHP? because it did not pass objects by their reference and cloned them instead. Because of this object variables had to be passed..
How can I make a singleton wrapper for PDO? failed ' . e getMessage Singletons may not be cloned private function __clone Delegate every get to PDO instance..
convert part of dom element to string with html tags inside of them node with all sub nodes you wish to save as HTML Import cloned node to new instance of DomDocument and append it as a child.. this foreach elements as element newdoc new DOMDocument cloned element cloneNode TRUE newdoc appendChild newdoc importNode..
How can I join Excel documents using PHPExcel? link encourages you to clone the worksheet and copy the cloned sheet so as not to remove it from the original workbook but..
Deep copy of PHP array of references 0 0 'foo' while array_by_assignment will have a cloned value array_by_assignment 0 0 'bar' original 'foo' array_of_reference.. 'bar' var_dump array_by_myclone 0 0 foo values were cloned var_dump array_by_assignment 0 0 bar still a reference..