php Programming Glossary: closer
N-grams: Explanation + 2 applications normalize them calculate Manhattan Euclidian distance the closer the result is to 1 the higher is the similarity What do you..
PHP and FFMPEG - Performing intelligent video conversion relating to the width height of the original whichever is closer to 640x480 . I've run ffmpeg i on a few videos but I don't see..
finding common prefix of array of strings completely unexplored land there might be differing chars closer to the beginning. This method is not suitable. Better use string..
In PHP, how do I generate a big pseudo-random number? number with PHP something like mt_rand lower upper The closer I've seen is gmp_random however it doesn't allow me to specify..
Calculate lat/lng of corners of ground overlay from kml-file thing. As latitude increases the lines of longitude get closer together. For example near the North Pole the latitude lines..
“Distance” between colours in PHP and color1 R 11 G 22 B 33 0x66 So color 1 and color 2 are closer than 1 and 3. edit So you want the closest named color Create..
Convert plain text URLs into HTML hyperlinks in PHP improve this question Well Volomike's answer is much closer. And to push it a bit further here's what I did for it to disregard..
json_encode/json_decode - returns stdClass instead of Array in PHP json json decode share improve this question Take a closer look at the second parameter of json_decode json assoc depth..
C# learning resources for PHP developers windows platform whereas PHP is usually interpreted. C# is closer to Java in syntax and is much more strongly typed than PHP which..
Scalable, Delayed PHP Processing and executing delayed PHP events. Hopefully when I'm closer to being done with this project I can post up the source if..
How to call winapi functions from PHP? different than their documentation. COM will get you closer but still not far enough. See this article on working..
Symfony VS CakePHP : which one is closest to PHP [closed]
What are the benefits of using SPL ArrayObject, ArrayIterator, RecursiveArrayIterator instead of regular arrays? you can use object just like an array in a foreach so a closer interaction with PHP. a The way you reduce memory usage is by..
PHP session variables not carrying over to my logged in page, but session ID is I've spent nearly all day on this and can't say I'm any closer to figuring it out. BTW I recently made 2 simple test pages..
An apostrophe is rendering as â?¬tm. What PHP function will display it as ' ? something_Decode? to get these weird characters to display as something closer to ' php html character encoding share improve this question..
cost of “include” in PHP? . And using APC will likely shift the breakeven point closer to less classes so without 100 classes used might be the breakeven..
Multiple javascript/css files: best practices? all the files as you normally would and then when you get closer to switching to production run minify and join all the CSS and..
Is this correct object oriented programing in php? [closed]
PHP: How do I remove nested tags, and relocate them in an un-nested way? tag to that last closing tag ignoring the fact that the closer isn't closing the opener. The other option is worse. Take this..
Having a single entry point to a website. Bad? Good? Non-issue? work. The more something gets used the more likely it's closer to the CPU and therefore faster . Mind you a single point of..