php Programming Glossary: clumsy
How Drupal works? [closed] how the page gets generated Most of the documentation is clumsy too. What's the best resource for learning how Drupal really..
Getting actual value from PHP SimpleXML node the value. Anyway of getting the actual value without the clumsy looking . n php simplexml share improve this question Cast..
finding common prefix of array of strings with the length of first string in array seems quite clumsy but may turn out effective if arrayStrLenMin needs many iterations... start with length of first string in array Seems quite clumsy but may turn out effective if arrayStrLenMin needs many iterations... start with length of first string in array Seems quite clumsy but may turn out effective if arrayStrLenMin needs many iterations...
PHP equivalent of friend or internal friend classes although the code to do it is kind of clumsy. There's some sample code and discussion on the topic on PHP's..
Non-dynamic custom HTTP headers I ask because loading the file into a PHP script seems clumsy especially when PHP will by default add other headers which..
Is there better way to transpose a PHP 2D array? NULL array_of_arrays However this feels very dirty and clumsy. And so I ask Is there a better way to transpose a 2D array..
sort Magento collection AFTER load either native or user defined however this is a little clumsy. It also means that the objects in the collection are converted..
Can PHP and C++ pass data between each other? such modules are difficult to write the build tools are clumsy and passing parameters back and forth between PHP and C requires..
PHP sessions in a load balancing cluster - how? to remember to call it all the time as well. Feels kinda clumsy not to mention probably violating a dozen best coding practices...