php Programming Glossary: cnt
Getting MYSQL ERROR from my site [closed] code email _POST email emailx mysql_query SELECT COUNT AS cnt FROM tb_users WHERE email ' _POST 'email' ' emailx mysql_fetch_array.. 'email' ' emailx mysql_fetch_array emailx emailx emailx cnt errormsg false if _SESSION 'string' code error 1 errormsg ...
mysql to php to xml shows blank age songlist.buycd songlist.date_played count as cnt FROM requestlist songlist WHERE requestlist.songID songlist.ID..
Warning: PDOStatement::execute(): SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens in or x 3 etc... . You may find it easier to replace it with cnt count options if cnt 0 placeholders str_repeat ' ' cnt 1 sql.. may find it easier to replace it with cnt count options if cnt 0 placeholders str_repeat ' ' cnt 1 sql . 'WHERE '`prods_empresas`.`produtos_codigo`.. cnt count options if cnt 0 placeholders str_repeat ' ' cnt 1 sql . 'WHERE '`prods_empresas`.`produtos_codigo` IN ' . placeholders..
Help with PHP recursive navigation list menu sql or die Error .mysql_errno . .mysql_error if result cnt mysql_num_rows result return cnt function getChild id menu.. if result cnt mysql_num_rows result return cnt function getChild id menu str s SELECT FROM vcms_sys_explorer.. this select_row s menu . ' ul ' for i 0 i count res i cnt_of_child this recordCount SELECT FROM vcms_sys_explorer where..
PHP readfile() and large downloads chunksize 1 1024 1024 how many bytes per chunk buffer '' cnt 0 handle fopen filename 'rb' handle fopen filename 'rb' if handle.. handle chunksize echo buffer ob_flush flush if retbytes cnt strlen buffer status fclose handle if retbytes status return.. buffer status fclose handle if retbytes status return cnt return num. bytes delivered like readfile does. return status..
How download big file using PHP (low memory usage) file and writing it to the local file one chunk at a time. cnt 0 while feof i_handle buf '' buf fread i_handle chunksize bytes.. bytes fwrite o_handle buf if bytes false return false cnt bytes We're done reading when we've reached the conent length.. done reading when we've reached the conent length if cnt length break fclose i_handle fclose o_handle return cnt Adjust..
XML Feeds & PHP - Limit the number of items is reached at the upper limit and then exit from loop. cnt 0 foreach doc getElementsByTagName 'item' as node if cnt 8 break.. cnt 0 foreach doc getElementsByTagName 'item' as node if cnt 8 break itemRSS array 'title' node getElementsByTagName 'title'.. node getElementsByTagName 'pubDate' item 0 nodeValue cnt h2 a href php echo itemRSS 'link' php echo itemRSS 'title' a..
Check how many times specific value in array PHP arrays count share improve this question Several ways. cnt count array_filter uid create_function ' a' 'return a 12 ' or.. ' a' 'return a 12 ' or tmp array_count_values uid cnt tmp 12 or any number of other methods. share improve this answer..