php Programming Glossary: char
Verify receipt for in App purchase encode const uint8_t input length NSInteger length static char table ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789..
Magento upgrade takes too long and never completes url_id bigint 20 unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT url varchar 255 NOT NULL DEFAULT '' referer varchar 255 DEFAULT NULL PRIMARY.. url varchar 255 NOT NULL DEFAULT '' referer varchar 255 DEFAULT NULL PRIMARY KEY url_id ENGINE InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET.. bigint 20 unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT session_id char 64 NOT NULL DEFAULT '' first_visit_at datetime DEFAULT NULL..
How to extract img src, title and alt from html using php? how to parse this in an elegant way I could do it the hard char by char way but that's painful . php html regex extract img.. this in an elegant way I could do it the hard char by char way but that's painful . php html regex extract img share.. be read as every string that start with img contains non char and ends with a . alt title src ^ We apply it successively on..
How do I use filesystem functions in PHP, using UTF-8 strings? 8 strings I can't use mkdir to create folders with UTF 8 characters. php dir_name DepĆ³sito mkdir dir_name But when I browse.. Just urlencode the string desired as a filename. All characters returned from urlencode are valid in filenames NTFS HFS.. well After url encoding the filename must be less that 255 characters probably bytes . UTF 8 has multiple representations for..
How to generate all permutations of a string in PHP? an algorithm that return all possible combination of all characters in one string. I've tried langd strlen input for i 0 i.. str i 1 n swap str i j backtrack. function to swap the char at pos i and j of str. function swap str i j temp str i str..
Why do some scripts omit the closing php tag '?>'? tag is just one solution for avoiding blanks and other characters at the end of file. For example any char which is accidentally.. and other characters at the end of file. For example any char which is accidentally added behind the closing tag would trigger..
replace ereg_replace with preg_replace to be used for preg_replace as the is escaping the closing char class The correct port is preg_replace ' ' '' theData Also since.. correct port is preg_replace ' ' '' theData Also since the char class has just one char there is no real need of char class.. ' ' '' theData Also since the char class has just one char there is no real need of char class you can just say preg_replace..
How to get code point number for a given character in a utf-8 string? to get code point number for a given character in a utf 8 string I want to get the UCS 2 code points.. like 0068 0065 006C 006C 006F . Please note that the characters could be from any language including complex scripts like.. languages. So the problem comes down to convert a given character to its UCS 2 code point But how Please any kind of help..
MySQL and NoSQL: Help me to choose the right one unsigned not null auto_increment primary key title varchar 255 unique not null next_thread_id int unsigned not null default.. default 0 reply_count int unsigned not null default 0 hash char 32 not null created_date datetime not null primary key forum_id..
How to find all Youtube video ids in a string using a regex? followed by S # Allow anything up to VIDEO_ID ^ w s # but char before ID is non ID char. # End host alternatives. w 11 # 1.. up to VIDEO_ID ^ w s # but char before ID is non ID char. # End host alternatives. w 11 # 1 VIDEO_ID is exactly 11 chars... # End host alternatives. w 11 # 1 VIDEO_ID is exactly 11 chars. ^ w # Assert next char is non ID or EOS. # Assert URL is..
Youtube API - Extract video ID # End host alternatives. w 10 12 # Allow 10 12 for 11 char youtube id. x' result preg_match pattern url matches if false..
MySQL Is there a limit to InnerJoin? id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY id title CHAR 3 ENGINE InnoDB INSERT INTO tbl_contact_title title VALUES 'MR'.. tbl_contact_title id ON DELETE SET NULL forename VARCHAR 50 surname VARCHAR 50 door_name VARCHAR 25 street1 VARCHAR 40.. id ON DELETE SET NULL forename VARCHAR 50 surname VARCHAR 50 door_name VARCHAR 25 street1 VARCHAR 40 street2 VARCHAR 40..
Baffled: PHP Fatal error: Exception thrown without a stack frame in Unknown on line 0? it happened to them because their primary key needed to be CHAR 32 instead of INT 11 . The PK's in this app are all INTs. Other..
need help optimizing wordpress meta_query mt1.meta_key 'csv_product_type' AND CAST mt1.meta_value AS CHAR 'Mobilt Bredbaand' OR mt2.meta_key 'csv_product_consumption'..
OOP design: How to incorporate DB handling into application objects TABLE user user_id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY username VARCHAR 15 NOT NULL UNIQUE password_hash CHAR 32 NOT NULL full_name.. KEY username VARCHAR 15 NOT NULL UNIQUE password_hash CHAR 32 NOT NULL full_name VARCHAR 50 My doubts start at PHP level... NULL UNIQUE password_hash CHAR 32 NOT NULL full_name VARCHAR 50 My doubts start at PHP level. The obvious conversion is php..
Does VARCHAR size limit matter? [duplicate] VARCHAR size limit matter duplicate Possible Duplicate Importance of.. Importance of varchar length in MySQL table When using VARCHAR assuming this is the correct data type for a short string does.. share improve this question In general for a VARCHAR field the amount of data stored in each field determines its..
Levenshtein: MySQL + PHP by Jason Rust CREATE FUNCTION levenshtein s1 VARCHAR 255 s2 VARCHAR 255 RETURNS INT DETERMINISTIC BEGIN DECLARE s1_len.. Rust CREATE FUNCTION levenshtein s1 VARCHAR 255 s2 VARCHAR 255 RETURNS INT DETERMINISTIC BEGIN DECLARE s1_len s2_len i.. s1_len s2_len i j c c_temp cost INT DECLARE s1_char CHAR max strlen 255 DECLARE cv0 cv1 VARBINARY 256 SET s1_len CHAR_LENGTH..
creating primary key based on date DATE NOT NULL id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT name CHAR 30 NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY dateEntered id ENGINE MyISAM If you..
illegal 0000-00-00 00:00:00 timestamp being sent by php to mysql using codeigniter
Bulk insert rowterminator issue insert USE somedb GO CREATE TABLE CSVTemp id INT name VARCHAR 255 department VARCHAR 255 architecture VARCHAR 255 phone VARCHAR.. CREATE TABLE CSVTemp id INT name VARCHAR 255 department VARCHAR 255 architecture VARCHAR 255 phone VARCHAR 255 email VARCHAR.. name VARCHAR 255 department VARCHAR 255 architecture VARCHAR 255 phone VARCHAR 255 email VARCHAR 255 download VARCHAR 255..
MySQL Structure for a social network users userID INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT firstName VARCHAR 30 lastName VARCHAR 30 password CHAR 32 should be encrypted.. NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT firstName VARCHAR 30 lastName VARCHAR 30 password CHAR 32 should be encrypted CHAR is better if the.. firstName VARCHAR 30 lastName VARCHAR 30 password CHAR 32 should be encrypted CHAR is better if the field is always..