php Programming Glossary: changed
How foreach actually works iteration foreach will check whether the internal position changed and try to restore it back to the old element based on the hash..
Use global variables in a class the first letter uppercase. Another thing I have done is changed to query to show the fields you are selecting instead of using.. the wildcard . This is because of the same reason I have changed the classname. People re viewing your code will know exactly..
Who should handle the conditions in complex queries, the data mapper or the service layer? the mapper. It also should let the mapper to acquired list changed domain objects from this collection when mapper is attempting..
How to save a HTML5 Canvas as Image on a server debug this. Thanks EDIT Following Salvidor Dali's link I changed the ajax request to be function saveImage var canvasData canvas.toDataURL..
open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/) is not within the allowed path(s): on my site. I've never gotten it before and nothing was changed recently for me to begin getting this error... Warning is_writable..
php multi-dimensional array remove duplicate an email address is used instead of the first. This can be changed by replacing the second line with foreach array_reverse array..
How to enable PHP short tags? don't know from where to enable the from the PHP.ini so I changed it to php I know that these 2 statements are supposed to mean..
How to get a variable name as a string in PHP? used in the function itself. GLOBALS seems to work so I've changed it to that. function print_var_name var foreach GLOBALS as var_name..
How to show Ajax requests in URL? and AJAX functionality and detect when the hash has changed while keeping other links working just like before. How to redirect..
Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords a minimum of 12 rounds of bcrypt if not 15 to 18. I changed my mind about using bcrypt when I learned that bcrypt only uses..
PHP Session Fixation / Hijacking the value of the _GET variable Would this token need to be changed only once per session or on each page load Also is their a good..
PHP global in functions foo fn prints bar WTF There is no way to see that foo got changed from these three lines. Why would calling the same function..
How to turn off magic quotes on shared hosting? change it with ini_set only PHP_INI_ALL settings can be changed with ini_set What this means is you have to use an .htaccess..
Compiling an AST back to source code of the original code and apply 1. only on Nodes that were changed. For now I would like to concentrate on 1. as 2. seems pretty.. to default to fidelity printing when the AST hasn't been changed and prettyprinting where it has because often the change machinery..
How to validate an Email in PHP? problem only exists before PHP 5.3 in that version they changed the regex and now it does this check so you do not have to...
Reference: What is a perfect code sample using the MySQL extension? [closed] E_STRICT ini_set 'display_errors' 1 display_errors can be changed to 0 in production mode to suppress PHP's error messages Can..
Headers already sent by PHP headers warning before then the php.ini setting has been changed. Output buffering then was enabled on the other server but not..
How to extend access token validity since offline_access deprecation Facebook PHP SDK was updated. The function name was changed to setExtendedAccessToken and it was decided we actually needed..
Search Multidimensional Array in PHP 3 If it's fixed you can simply use array_search Edit Changed arguments to resemble array_search more. share improve this..
Update MySql Field (if field is not empty, go to next one) col1 end Query OK 3 rows affected 0.02 sec Rows matched 3 Changed 3 Warnings 0 mysql select from col_values id col1 col2 col3.. 9 col1 Query OK 3 rows affected 0.01 sec Rows matched 3 Changed 3 Warnings 0 mysql select from col_values id col1 col2 col3..
Having trouble with PHPMailer on SMTP authentication mail Username '' Changed my email mail Password password Changed my password mail From.. '' Changed my email mail Password password Changed my password mail From '' mail FromName 'FROM..
Caching readdir() path cache set key info MEMCACHE_COMPRESSED 0 echo Path Changed date Y m d g i s info time var_dump array_values info readDir.. path cache set key info MEMCACHE_COMPRESSED 0 echo Path Changed date Y m d g i s info time var_dump array_values array info..
Implementing goMongoDB-like Query expression object evaluation loop and you would get your new format. What do i mean A. Changed foreach array as part this flatten this convert part To foreach.. array as k part this flatten k this convert part B. Changed foreach this flatten as data this check find data type and f..
Getting all dates for Mondays and Tuesdays for the next year your help. Code below modification as suggested by Aly. Changed the computer date from Tue 12 01 2010 to Wed 13 01 2010 to test..
returning JSON and HTML from PHP script load like this .get 'your url' params here success 'JSON' Changed to match your newly introduced iteration. for x 0 num_rows mysql_num_rows..
Reg exp for youtube link . . watch v a zA Z0 9_ #a zA Z0 9_ youtube s EDIT Changed the regex to keep only the video id inside parentheses. share..
PHP emitting 500 on errors - where is this documented? Not sure but this may have been added in PHP 5.2.4 Changed error handler to send HTTP 500 instead of blank page on PHP..
determine if user is using proxy anyway to use this script but make it work faster EDIT 2 Changed the timeout on fsockopen from 30 to 1 and it works much quicker..
Regular expression for a string that must contain minimum 14 characters, where at minimum 2 are numbers, and at minimum 6 are letters z0 9# . _ 14 Edit Added # . _ to list of valid chars. Edit Changed the greedy to lazy star. Edit 20121130 Added alternate version..
How to find all Youtube video ids in a string using a regex? ends with a dash. Fixed so that it handles this condition. Changed the VIDEO_ID expression so that it must be exactly 11 characters.. this. Added and to character class matching query string. Changed PHP version regex delimiter from to a ~ . Added a Notes section..
Change default locale in Symfony2 to 'et_EE' set locale to 'et' in app config parameters.ini Changed the default locale in my bundle's boot method described here..
mysql count into PHP variable php mysql count share improve this question Like this Changed the query there's no need for DISTINCT and aliased the count..
Balanced word wrap (Minimum raggedness) in PHP at the wikipedia page for minimum raggedness word wrap. Changed algorithm to the given one with squared penalties share improve..