php Programming Glossary: chapter
PHP mysql insert date format . Also as stated in the introduction to the PHP manual chapter on the mysql_ functions This extension is not recommended for..
What are available solutions of a browser / mobile phone detection Changes 06.03.2013 Addad a few comments inside a WURFL chapter Intro There are few available solutions but I will only name..
PHP tutorial that is security-, accuracy- and maintainability-conscious? [closed] be introduced as an afterthought in a separate security chapter. There should be no HTML injection hole anywhere in the given..
“Web interface” to PHPUnit tests? various output formats. The 2.3 version of PHPUnit had a chapter on this but it is gone for some time now. You might be able..
case insensitive xpath searching in php file like this volume name Early book name School Years chapter number 1 line number 1 Here's the first line with Chicago in.. line line number 3 Here's a line that says chicagogo line chapter book volume I'm trying to do a simple keyword search using PHP.. Inside the foreach you could access the line number chapter number and book name like below. Line number this is just an..
MySQL diacritic insensitive search (spanish accents) _utf8'lápiz' LIKE _utf8'lapiz' 1 A nice chapter to read in the manual Character Set Support share improve this..
export to epub format in php an ePub format book It's a very basic book simple text and chapters and a few images. Any suggestions php export epub ibooks .. like the author publisher comments etc. as well the ebook chapter data. The class builds an archive with all the ebook information..
What kinds of patterns could I enforce on the code to make it easier to translate to another programming language? the reason that Aho Ullman's compiler book doesn't stop at chapter 2. The OP has this right in that he is planning to build additional..
Code Coverage tools for PHP [closed]
mysqli giving “Commands out of sync” error - why? Data with SQL and PHP . I also cover this topic in a chapter of my book SQL Antipatterns Avoiding the Pitfalls of Database..
Getting PHPUnit Working - Include Path not set correctly? localhost with phpunit you can use the command line and chapter 5 it gives the same example using the command line I would assume.. above assumes you installed phpunit correctly as stated in chapter 3 and you restarted apache after that . if you really want to..
Bulletin board - Database optimisation 5 conclusions at the end of the the doc but the section or chapter title in both the ToC and the top of the page is Conclusion..
Where can I learn about PHP internals? [closed] this question The PHP Manual has a sadly mostly empty chapter on PHP internals . The main development mailing list is