php Programming Glossary: cgi.exe
PHP Upload - 500 Internal Server Error the handler mapping of the .php files to use the Plesk php cgi.exe instead of the usual one I do not get the 500 Internal Error... large files absolutely fine so I assumed that their php cgi.exe was compiled differently. When I read a phpinfo of their configuration..
PHP running as a FastCGI application (php-cgi) - how to issue concurrent requests? coding under windows and my batch file used to execute php cgi.exe contains set PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN 8 set PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS 500.. set PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN 8 set PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS 500 php cgi.exe b 9000 But it does not spawn 8 children the service simply terminates..
Difference between executing php from the commandline and from the Http Side Do they use the same executable such as php.exe or php cgi.exe Apache or IIS Do the results differ when they are executing..
php-fpm for windows? The .zip file should be VC9 which has the FastCGI file php cgi.exe . Don't download VC6 and don't download the .msi file because.. in order to install php fpm. The zip file contains the php cgi.exe which is what you need for php fpm. I downloaded a slightly.. 5.3.10 Win32 VC9 x86 PATH C php 5.3.10 Win32 VC9 x86 php cgi.exe b 9123 c C php 5.3.10 Win32 VC9 x86 php.ini Double..
Connection between MSSQL and PHP 5.3.5 on IIS is not working file which lives in the same folder as php.exe php cgi.exe etc. Don't use notepad.exe because the file uses just line feed..
How to know for sure if FastCGI is being used to run php scripts program files x86 parallels plesk additional pleskphp5 php cgi.exe resourceType Either I copied that in the web.config in the joomla..
Errors regarding Web Crawler in PHP signature Problem Event Name APPCRASH Application Name php cgi.exe Application Version Application Timestamp 4e537939 Fault..
How to pass GET and POST data to the php executable? this question For GET The Easy Way That i've found php cgi.exe script file name parameter1 value1 parameter2 value2 ... parameterN.. file name SET REQUEST_METHOD GET SET REDIRECT_STATUS 0 php cgi.exe I'd assume there would be a way to set environment variable.. The environment variables would have to be unset after php cgi.exe completes. More info for CGI environment variables you could..