php Programming Glossary: cf
Create fixed length non-repeating permutation of larger set ga ah ha bc cb bd db be eb bf fb bg gb bh hb cd dc ce ec cf fc cg gc ch hc de ed df fd dg gd dh hd ef fe eg ge eh he fg..
How do I cache a web page in PHP? time cachetime filemtime cachefile c @file_get_contents cf echo c exit else unlink cachefile ob_start all the coding goes.. time cachetime filemtime cachefile c @file_get_contents cf echo c exit else unlink cachefile ob_start in cacheend.php php..
PDO binding values for MySQL IN statement function that splits the comma separated list for you cf. http 2008 09 15 mysql query real values from..
Image upload storage strategies be the best so far yet it isn't bulletproof since images c cf or any other dir subdir pair could still contain up to 16^30..
Why doesn't this code simply print letters A to Z? bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz..
php - context node in xpath problem xpath problem have this code products feed _xpath query cf vehicle foreach products as product echo product nodeName ... getAttribute 'code' . ' br ' imgs feed _xpath query cf image product echo ' nbsp Imgs ' . imgs length . ' br ' the.. xpath share improve this question You have to use . cf image to make it relative to the context node. From http
On-the-fly zipping & streaming of large files, in PHP or otherwise to control the input of the pipeline too fp popen 'tar cf file1 file2 file3 gzip c' 'r' pick a bufsize that makes you..
multiple auto increment in mysql share improve this question You could use a trigger cf http doc refman 5.1 de create trigger.html share..
GeoLocation API Europe BZ North America CA North America CC Asia CD Africa CF Africa CG Africa CH Europe CI Africa CK Australia CL South America..
Will [a-z] ever match accented characters in PREG/PCRE? is deployed to depends how PHP was compiled welcome to the CF of localization and internationalization. The underlying PCRE..
TripleDES in Perl/PHP/ColdFusion and actually look at and diagnose the issue. He agreed our CF and PHP attempts were not resulting in the correct string. After..
How to compress/decompress a long query string in PHP? 28K AAD 27r F2 F3 D2 15 8AS 13 8B 923 14 8AK 8A2 F3 D2 01 CF 80 12 82 As you can see the original string is the shortest...
Un-encrypting / re-encrypting a ColdFusion encrypted string in PHP be but I have had the following working. I think to make CF happy you have to pad your encryption to a certain length Encrypt.. have to pad your encryption to a certain length Encrypt in CF Encrypt data encKey 'AES CBC PKCS5Padding' encoding encIv Decrypt.. else if format 'url' return UrlEncode data Decrypt in CF Decrypt data encKey 'AES CBC PKCS5Padding' encoding encIv For..