php Programming Glossary: carry
Type casting for user defined objects In languages such as Java there are two things that may carry type. The compiler has a notion about type and the run time..
How can an SQL query return data from multiple tables again barking requests out I want a count of each brand we carry and the number of cars in it ` Typical we just get to an interesting..
Creating a site to query a database of tables display none div div body html next we need a script to carry out our search ajax search.php you must define your database..
PHP/MYSQL only allowing one vote per member? if num_rows 0 this member has already voted else carry on As Piskvor pointed out though this solution has at least..
PHP session lost after redirect shared hosting share improve this question First carry out these usual checks Make sure session_start is called before.. from a to doesn't carry the session forward. Make sure your file extension is .php it..
How do i get out of the habit of procedural programming and into object oriented programming? examples of common programming tasks that i often carry out such as user authentication management data parsing CMS..
Why does crypt/blowfish generate the same hash with two different salts? that it represents 24 bits of data so 3 bytes and does not carry any data that needs to be discarded. This is a salt whose Len..
Cross domains sessions - shared shopping cart cross domains stored in database too. But we can't solve the problem in carrying data over domains. Identifying unlogged user is not holeproof.. with the other domain didn't work the simpliest way is to carry over only the sessionid stored in cookies but we don't know..
How do I use cookies across two different domains? with that user on their system. It's a little complex to carry out correctly but if you think it through it'll work out very..
PHP authentication with multiple domains and subdomains crossing sessions between sub domains is fine but it won't carry over to a whole new domain. To do that you need some sort of..
Bulletin board - Database optimisation is above the line in the specified order. Remember we are carrying the PKs of the parent tables anyway and if there is meaning.. columns. . 30. Because State Town is the PK of Location carrying wherever. And it forms part of the Bulletin PK so any dependent.. it forms part of the Bulletin PK so any dependent tables carry those columns because they are carrying the Bulletin PK. Look..
__callStatic(), call_user_func_array(), references, and PHP 5.3.1 find anything conclusive. Is there any way to effectively carry references through this call stack resulting in the desired.. an explicit call time parameter by reference seems to carry through as I expected but deprecation warnings are issued in..
Creating dynamic URLs in htaccess
Allow php sessions to carry over to subdomains php sessions to carry over to subdomains I use php sessions not cookies except for..
Why can't I pass user sessions between subdomains? questions 644920 allow php sessions to carry over to subdomains For your convenience here are the tips I..
Magento - Quote/order product item attribute based on user input an event observer. If you want the additional options to carry through reordering you will need also observe a third event... creditmemos and PDFs. Add support for reorders In order to carry the oprions over to the new order during a reorder you need..