php Programming Glossary: cancelled
Valum php AJAX Upload: Store File Name and Path into mySQL database 'error' 'Could not save uploaded file.' . 'The upload was cancelled or server error encountered' list of valid extensions ex. array..
files get uploaded just before they get cancelled [closed] get uploaded just before they get cancelled closed Got a little situation here where I am trying to cancel.. depending on the status of the upload successful failed or cancelled script php echo result ' php echo.. is the php code cancelimage.php where I want to delete the cancelled file from the server and delete the record from the database...
Handle CURL headers before downloading body not a text file too large etc the CURL request would be cancelled before the server wastes time downloading the file. Update Solution..
Commitment to Zend Framework - any arguments against? base that is familiar with its components would partly be cancelled out therefore the commitment to ZF would be a deep one. Thus..
how to know whether file is downloaded by user or not? BUT How to know whether user has downloaded a file or cancelled it After downloading I wat to redirect current page to another..
PHP running as a FastCGI application (php-cgi) - how to issue concurrent requests? when completed or user connection with client is cancelled . However it cannot deal with 2 or more FastCGI requests at..
Publishing To User's Wall Without Being Online/Logged-in - Facebook Sharing Using Graph API response console.log 'Logged out.' else console.log 'User cancelled login or did not fully authorize.' scope 'publish_stream' Publishing..
PHP: Limiting Parallel/Simultaneous Downloads - How to know if download was cancelled? Simultaneous Downloads How to know if download was cancelled I have a simple file upload service written out in PHP which.. How will I be able to detect when a download has been cancelled Would I just have to have a Cron job or something similar detect.. downloaded I need to know how to detect if it was cancelled aborted or otherwise stopped and not just paused . This will..
FB login callback function not responding if user is already logged in facebook or do whatever you want else console.log 'User cancelled login or did not fully authorize.' scope 'email user_checkins'..