php Programming Glossary: captcha
Getting MYSQL ERROR from my site [closed] if _SESSION 'string' code error 1 errormsg . b Error b The captcha was entered incorrectly. br if code error 1 errormsg . b Error.. incorrectly. br if code error 1 errormsg . b Error b The captcha was entered incorrectly. br if email error 1 errormsg . b Error..
How to detect fake users ( crawlers ) and cURL if this happens you can lock pages of your website until a captcha is filled. Idea 1 you create 2 tables 1 to save banned ips and.. color red You are banned wait 60secs to be unbanned... a captcha must be more friendly of course span ' echo ' br ' echo ' img..
Need help with reCAPTCHA - keep getting incorrect-captcha-sol help with reCAPTCHA keep getting incorrect captcha sol I am trying to add a reCAPTCHA to my site but keep getting.. to add a reCAPTCHA to my site but keep getting incorrect captcha sol error when I submit the answer. Can anyone tell me if I.. I have inserted the following code require_once 'recaptchalib.php' publickey XXXX privatekey XXXX the response from reCAPTCHA..
Blocking comment spam without using captcha [closed] comment spam without using captcha closed What are some non captcha methods for blocking spam.. spam without using captcha closed What are some non captcha methods for blocking spam on my comments php captcha spam .. non captcha methods for blocking spam on my comments php captcha spam share improve this question In my experience the currently..
How can I throttle user login attempts in PHP either enforce throttling or force all user's to use a captcha i.e. reCaptcha until the number of failed attempts over the.. array of throttling throttle array 10 1 20 2 30 'recaptcha' retrieve the latest failed login attempts sql 'SELECT MAX attempted.. before your next login attempt' else code to display recaptcha on login form goes here break Using reCaptcha at a certain..
How do I remove 'index.php' from URL in CodeIgniter? file is RewriteEngine on RewriteCond 1 ^ index .php images captcha css js robots .txt RewriteRule ^ . index.php 1 L Now whenever..
If i use captcha will i be able to stop the spam completely in my blog? i use captcha will i be able to stop the spam completely in my blog I have.. capable of just a 4 digit verification. php wordpress captcha spam prevention share improve this question The captchas.. spam prevention share improve this question The captchas seem to be fooled by adept people. The Akismet is better option..
How to protect html form from spammers? aren't the big giant like Facebook doing this php html captcha spam prevention share improve this question Update The answer.. integrated with sweatshops 1 USD a 1000 solutions human captcha solvers API. When a spambot cannot pass captcha itself it spam.. human captcha solvers API. When a spambot cannot pass captcha itself it spam bot keeping hundreds of open connections sends..
Limiting user login attempts in PHP attempts let's try again in 10 minutes php security login captcha brute force share improve this question Clarification This.. completion to the other answers. Using a good implemented captcha alongside an anti bruteforce mechanism using sessions for example... The questioner marked this as accepted assuming that captchas are unreadable by machines she's almost right and so it's getting..
Getting MYSQL ERROR from my site [closed] login.php option forgot . After entering Email address and CAPTCHA on the page users are getting redirected to this page http
Need help with reCAPTCHA - keep getting incorrect-captcha-sol help with reCAPTCHA keep getting incorrect captcha sol I am trying to add a reCAPTCHA.. keep getting incorrect captcha sol I am trying to add a reCAPTCHA to my site but keep getting incorrect captcha sol error when.. publickey XXXX privatekey XXXX the response from reCAPTCHA resp null the error code from reCAPTCHA if any error null if..
How to enable DDoS protection? second Can anonymous users access expensive reports at all CAPTCHA for anonymous access Implement a CAPTCHA for all anonymous requests.. reports at all CAPTCHA for anonymous access Implement a CAPTCHA for all anonymous requests to verify that the user is a person..
Hunting cheaters in a voting competition the vote harder to set up false positives Captcha Use a CAPTCHA . If your Captcha is broken use a better one. Pro good against..
Good Form Security - no CAPTCHA Form Security no CAPTCHA Is there a good method of form security that does not involve.. there a good method of form security that does not involve CAPTCHA CAPTCHA is so annoying but I need security because I am getting.. good method of form security that does not involve CAPTCHA CAPTCHA is so annoying but I need security because I am getting form..
“Could not open socket” that is happening on my site I have troubleshot that it is CAPTCHA I'm using reCAPTCHA . It is only displaying this error on the.. my site I have troubleshot that it is CAPTCHA I'm using reCAPTCHA . It is only displaying this error on the two pages where I.. only displaying this error on the two pages where I use reCAPTCHA. I have been generating new sets of keys and sometimes it works..
How should I choose an authentication library for CodeIgniter? are optional and easily configured Language file support reCAPTCHA supported Hooks into CI's validation system Activation emails.. password codes are not hashed in DB Includes a native poor CAPTCHA which is nice for those who don't want to depend on the Google.. for those who don't want to depend on the Google owned reCAPTCHA service but it really isn't secure enough Very sparse online..
captcha or not? [closed] this question You may check Practical non image based CAPTCHA approaches I asked a question earlier Need suggestions ideas..
How to protect html form from spammers? Update The answer was accepted because I recommended KeyCAPTCHA. From my hard earned painful expereince KeyCAPTCHA is a scam.. KeyCAPTCHA. From my hard earned painful expereince KeyCAPTCHA is a scam by professional spammers . I removed my recommendations.. professional spammers . I removed my recommendations of KeyCAPTCHA Note that most professional spambots are integrated with sweatshops..
Limiting user login attempts in PHP answer they're right. Also using a good implemented CAPTCHA could be an alternative way to enpower your application security.. right sometimes . For those of you who don't know a CAPTCHA is program that can tell whether its user is a human or another..
How to identify web-crawler? to limits what bots can crawl on your website is to serve CAPTCHAs or other challenges which a bot cannot solve. This comes at.. anything which makes your website less usable such as a CAPTCHA is self destructive. This of course will not actually block.. uninteresting to them. There are ways to get around the CAPTCHAs but they're difficult to implement so I'm not going to delve..
Stop Spoofed Form Submissions then checking HTTP_REFERER wont help you. Run a search for CAPTCHA Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and..
PHP Captcha without session Captcha without session Ok here is an issue in the project i'm working..
Unobtrusive, self-hosted comments function to put onto existing web pages .... that can be styled by the surrounding site Optional Captcha Optional Gravatar sensitivity Minimalistic administration area..
Hunting cheaters in a voting competition Cookies won't help against these guys. We are also using a Captcha which has been broken Does anyone know how we could find patterns.. Con skews the vote harder to set up false positives Captcha Use a CAPTCHA . If your Captcha is broken use a better one... to set up false positives Captcha Use a CAPTCHA . If your Captcha is broken use a better one. Pro good against all automated scripts...
Minimalistic PHP blogging engine with focus on code quality [closed] CSS so I can customize Supports some sort of spam control Captcha and or Akismet would be nice I don't care whether it's database..
Captcha Decoded Decoded I have seen some captchas being decode using javascript..
Codeigniter isn't routing right going forward such as folders that contain CSS JavaScript Captcha files and images . I did just as instructed... put the htaccess..
If i use captcha will i be able to stop the spam completely in my blog? comments. Wordpress comes with Akismet but I can also use Captcha. Which plugin method should I use My client doesn't mind users.. strings to post comments. If I adopt either Akisment or Captcha will I be able to completely control the spam Is it possible.. control the spam Is it possible to use either Akismet or Captcha for a simple 4 digit verification If not then please also recommend..
How To Remove All DtDdWrappers and Labels on Zend Form Elements have their own distinct set of decorators Submit Button Captcha File Image and Radio . The decorator for radio is very similar..
How to protect html form from spammers? through signup form. I have tried many open source Captcha solution but still facing same problem. I am therefore looking..