php Programming Glossary: captchas
Captcha Decoded Decoded I have seen some captchas being decode using javascript php etc. How do they do it For..
If i use captcha will i be able to stop the spam completely in my blog? spam prevention share improve this question The captchas seem to be fooled by adept people. The Akismet is better option..
captcha or not? [closed] earlier Need suggestions ideas for easy to use but secure captchas However if you are irritated due to the difficulty faced by.. difficulty faced by users because of the very existence of captchas then there has been a lot of debate over this and people are.. text stopbots.html for implementation of Negative captchas . But sadly this is not effective as yet for site specific spam..
Limiting user login attempts in PHP The questioner marked this as accepted assuming that captchas are unreadable by machines she's almost right and so it's getting..
Google Calendar API v3 hardcoded credentials to break sooner or later since the OAuth dialog can use captchas. This seems to be such a standard use case a web application..