php Programming Glossary: cap
How To Deploy Your PHP Applications Correctly? check them im by accident. When it comes to deploying my cap deploy recipe is set up so that it will write the settings files..
php claims my defined variable is undefined seems to get me anywhere. Please someone give me my dunce cap and tell me what I did wrong php test for damn undefined variable..
Merging two Regular Expressions to Truncate Words in Strings .' . ~su' Boiling it down ^ # Start of String # begin capture group 1 . 1 x # match 1 x characters S # lookbehind match.. # otherwise test this . x # got to x chars anyway. # end cap group . # match the rest of the string since you were using..
How to password protect streaming videos with php time period. Nginx and possibly lighttpd allow you to cap the download speed so you're not sending out streaming data..
ajax multi-threaded There is no shared state per se. Now browsers typically cap the number of simultaneous Ajax requests a page can make on..
ini_set(“memory_limit”) in PHP 5.3.3 is not working at all memory limit beyond what it started with or some defined cap. http www.hardened suhosin configuration.html#suhosin.memory_limit..
How to find a string in an array in PHP? assume I have an array in PHP array array apple banana cap dog etc.. up to 80 values. and a string variable str abc If..
PHP SimpleXML Namespace Problem Problem I'm trying to get the entry id and entry cap parameter value for every entry in the RSS feed.... below is.. value field.... please help. url 'http cap us.php x 1' cap simplexml_load_file url foreach cap entry as.. please help. url 'http cap us.php x 1' cap simplexml_load_file url foreach cap entry as entry echo 'ID..
PHP Warning: POST Content-Length of 113 bytes exceeds the limit of -1988100096 bytes in Unknown or 2048M will be 2147483648 bytes then. Some PHP versions cap this at the top so it won't go into negative numbers that is..
Help with php blank page? 7000 echo You have 12 players and are over 70 mill hard cap. Therefore you can't drop a player br You will be automatically.. Salary 7000 and Salary 103 echo You are over the hard cap and therefore can only sign players who are making veteran minimum.. need to check the error log. You will also need to escape your values that you are putting in the queries. This maybe..