php Programming Glossary: can
How do you parse and process HTML/XML in PHP? do you parse and process HTML XML in PHP How can one parse HTML XML and extract information from it This is a.. of parsing and modifying real world broken HTML and it can do XPath queries . It is based on libxml . It takes some time.. to use that language's DOM API then. A basic usage example can be found in Grabbing the href attribute of an A element and..
Headers already sent by PHP session_regenerate_id setcookie setrawcookie Output can be Unintentional Whitespace before php or after UTF 8 Byte Order.. is required to pass the headers to the webserver first. It can only do that once. And after the double linebreak it can't ever.. can only do that once. And after the double linebreak it can't ever append to them again. When PHP receives the first output..
What is the PHP ? : operator called and what does it do? is the PHP operator called and what does it do Can someone please explain what the and operators are in PHP e.g...
Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP? pdo_query SELECT FROM tbl while row pdo_fetch_assoc result Can be replaced with just an foreach iteration foreach result as..
Reference - frequently asked questions about PDO [closed] How can I create a prepared statement for IN operator Can I use a PDO prepared statement to bind an identifier a table..
Can PHP PDO Statements accept the table name as parameter? PHP PDO Statements accept the table name as parameter Why can't..
innerHTML in PHP's DomDocument? innerHTML of a given DOMNode in the PHP DOM implementation Can someone give reliable checked solution Of course outerHTML will..
PHP + MySQL transactions examples of PHP file where MySQL transactions are being used. Can you show me simple example of that And one more question. I've.. done a lot of programming and didn't use transactions. Can I put a PHP function or something in header.php that if one..
Robust and Mature HTML Parser for PHP [duplicate] and their attributes Supports invalid HTML and UTF8 Can perform advanced CSS3 like queries on elements like jQuery namespaces.. functions for easy overriding Fast and Easy Never used it. Can't tell if it's any good. HTML 5 You can use the above for parsing..
How do you parse and process HTML/XML in PHP? and their attributes Supports invalid HTML and UTF8 Can perform advanced CSS3 like queries on elements like jQuery namespaces.. functions for easy overriding Fast and Easy Never used it. Can't tell if it's any good. HTML 5 You can use the above for parsing..
How to parse HTML with PHP? [duplicate] and their attributes Supports invalid HTML and UTF8 Can perform advanced CSS3 like queries on elements like jQuery namespaces.. functions for easy overriding Fast and Easy Never used it. Can't tell if it's any good. HTML 5 You can use the above for parsing..
SMS from web application I just want to send SMS from my web application in PHP. Can anyone tell me how to do this What all things I need to do for..
A simple program to CRUD node and node values of xml file setting3 setting3 value setting3 .... .... .... setting Can anyone suggest me a simple php script to read edit add and delete..
Call to a member function on a non-object It means that objPage is not an instance of an object. Can we see the code you used to initialize the variable As you expect..
How to check if an email address exists without sending an email? Has anyone tried anything similar or does it work for you Can you tell if an email customer user enters is correct exists..
Reference: What is a perfect code sample using the MySQL extension? [closed] to 0 in production mode to suppress PHP's error messages Can be used for testing _POST 'id' 1 _POST 'name' 'Markus' config..
PHP syntax for dereferencing function result [duplicate] zoobar does using a variable help print vtemp 0 nope Can anyone suggest how to do this in PHP php arrays syntax function..
How do the equality (== double equals) and identity (=== triple equals) comparison operators differ? and identity triple equals comparison operators differ Can you explain the difference between and giving some useful examples..
How to get useful error messages in PHP? to get PHP to produce useful error message like Java does Can anyone recommend good PHP debugging tips tools and techniques..
Detect encoding and make everything UTF-8 the functions and when must I do nothing with the input Can you help me and tell me how to make everything the same encoding.. same encoding Perhaps with the function mb detect encoding Can I write a function for this So my problems are 1 How to find..
Can PHP read the hash portion of the URL? PHP read the hash portion of the URL Assuming a URL of
how to use imagick annotateImage for chinese text? text. utf8_decode can only deal with UTF 8 text that CAN be converted to ISO 8859 1 the most common 8 bit extension of..
mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given [duplicate] If you want have to work with single quotes then php CAN NOT interprete the variables you will have to do it like this..
PHP and cURL cookies COOKIE Will not work Basically CAN NOT create cookies on the client for share improve..
Advantages / Disadvantages of pconnect option in CodeIgniter connections have gone stale and the app didn't notice But CAN Reduce latency on initial connection If you think that connection..
How to write a stored procedure using phpmyadmin and how to use it through php? is created altered and dropped using queries you actually CAN manage them using phpMyAdmin. To create a stored procedure you..
Simplify PHP DOM XML parsing - how? understand when working with XML. echo n n GETELEMENTBYID CANNOT FETCH NORMAL ID n n foreach dom getElementById 'p2' childNodes.. and the XML must be validated against it. echo n n XPATH CAN FETCH NORMAL ID n n xPath new DOMXPath dom page2 xPath query.. to include the namespace e.g. @xml id p1 . echo n n XPATH CAN FETCH PRODUCTS FOR PAGE WITH ID n n xPath new DOMXPath dom foreach..
Multiple returns from function There is no way of returning 2 variables. Although you CAN propagate an array and return it create a conditional to return..
PHP: Is it possible to return multiple values from a function? [duplicate] There is no way of returning 2 variables. Although you CAN propagate an array and return it create a conditional to return..
how to validate date with PHP
Session token - how does it work? you don't save things like passwords in sessions but what CAN you store in them safely Permissions like a session variabele..
Creating jQuery AJAX requests to a PHP function way to access a URL and receive a response. Said URL CAN trigger the server to call a specific function and send back..
Reaching 100% Code Coverage with PHPUnit from. For PHP 5.3.x issues For more complex cases this CAN fail. For the code you showed all I can say is that It works..
.htaccess shorten URL using php $_GET is the current code of my .htaccess file AND NONE OF IT CAN CHANGE RewriteEngine on RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME f RewriteCond.. user 1 L Regarding your statement AND NONE OF IT CAN CHANGE I would seriously recommend that you consider implementing..