php Programming Glossary: catching
Performance of try-catch in php different question from the cost of actually throwing and catching an exception. If exceptions are only thrown in failure cases..
Apache vs. IIS PHP performance comparison
Error on creating connection to PDO in PHP in home raistlin www todoapp home.php on line 9 I am not catching the error at the moment for the sake of debugging it. The following..
Automatic image format detection in PHP Is there a more clever way to do this than a bunch of try catching with imagefromjpeg imagefrompng etc php image format jpeg ..
PHP : Custom error handler - handling parse & fatal errors the definition of handling To me handling an error means catching the error and reacting in a way that is nice for the user and..
Understanding Incrementing it will just be thrown away immediately since you're not catching it anywhere. BTW even b a 1 is an expression which returns 124...
Remote debugging won't stop at breakpoints will break at the first line of the program then exit not catching any breakpoints. It used to work fine until I switched over..
How do you implement a good profanity filter? [closed] dirty with some parameters What are some good methods for catching folks trying to trick the system like a azz or a55 Bonus points..
PHP Catching a SimpleXMLElement parse error [closed] php share improve this question Ok so apparently catching XML Parse errors is somewhat of a Holy Grail... I ended up just..
Bulletin board - Database optimisation of the market does not provide the standard and is slowly catching up. It means the server will not allow a row in the FK table..
Magento catching exceptions and rolling back database transactions catching exceptions and rolling back database transactions I'm working..
What are the best practices for catching and re-throwing exceptions? are the best practices for catching and re throwing exceptions Should caught exceptions be re thrown.. share improve this question You should not be catching the exception unless you intend to do something meaningful ...
How to catch the fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in PHP having a script with a max execution time of 30 seconds catching that error and taking another 30 seconds... in a poorly designed..
Exception catching: when not to catch them? catching when not to catch them I had been writing number of small libraries.. application inside PHP's Zend Framework. I had also been catching these exceptions inside the library's methods itself and logging.. to abort and propagate the error then there's no point catching an exception. On the other hand if there are some errors to..
Solving “MySQL server has gone away” errors issue is by wrapping queries inside try catch blocks and catching any database exceptions so that you can handle them appropriately...