php Programming Glossary: cat
How to search by key=>value in a multidimensional array in PHP will be. Simple example array arr array 0 array id 1 name cat 1 1 array id 2 name cat 2 2 array id 3 name cat 1 When I search.. array arr array 0 array id 1 name cat 1 1 array id 2 name cat 2 2 array id 3 name cat 1 When I search for key name and value.. 1 name cat 1 1 array id 2 name cat 2 2 array id 3 name cat 1 When I search for key name and value cat 1 the function should..
algorithm that will take numbers or words and find all possible combinations look for together. Example lets say the string or array is cat dog fish then the results for a value of 2 could be cat dog.. is cat dog fish then the results for a value of 2 could be cat dog cat fish dog cat dog fish fish cat fish dog SO the results.. fish then the results for a value of 2 could be cat dog cat fish dog cat dog fish fish cat fish dog SO the results from..
Can I include code into a PHP class? require_once 'LolkatMeow.php' require_once 'Cat.php' cat new Cat cat setMeowing new RegularMeow echo cat meow outputs.. 'LolkatMeow.php' require_once 'Cat.php' cat new Cat cat setMeowing new RegularMeow echo cat meow outputs 'meow' now.. 'Cat.php' cat new Cat cat setMeowing new RegularMeow echo cat meow outputs 'meow' now to change the behavior cat setMeowing..
Getting a modified preorder tree traversal model (nested set) into a <ul> in order to show on my site. Here is my code function getCats retrieve all children of parent query SELECT max rght as max.. return result Here is my sample table ID TITLE lft rght 1 Cat 1 1 16 18 Cat 2 3 4 22 Cat 3 5 6 28 Cat 4 7 8 34 Cat 5 9 9 46.. Here is my sample table ID TITLE lft rght 1 Cat 1 1 16 18 Cat 2 3 4 22 Cat 3 5 6 28 Cat 4 7 8 34 Cat 5 9 9 46 Cat 6 11 10..
Can I include code into a PHP class? public function meow return 'meow' Now to use it use php Cat.php class Cat protected _meowing public function setMeowing.. meow return 'meow' Now to use it use php Cat.php class Cat protected _meowing public function setMeowing Meowing meowing.. require_once 'LolkatMeow.php' require_once 'Cat.php' cat new Cat cat setMeowing new RegularMeow echo cat meow..