php Programming Glossary: bootstrap.php
How to eliminate php5 Strict standards errors? should not be called statically in C ... cake cake bootstrap.php on line 49 After some research I've found that some people solve.. 5.4 is that E_STRICT is now part of E_ALL So in your cake bootstrap.php you could remove the E_STRICT from your error reporting error_reporting..
Throwing a custom 503 exception in CakePHP 2 _messageTemplate 'Service is not available now' In bootstrap.php I wrote this App uses 'MyExceptions' 'Lib' Then inside MyNewController.php.. the Cake 2.0 book is worth a read. Here's my short test in bootstrap.php require APP . 'Lib' . DS . 'MyExceptions.php' in Lib MyExceptions.php..
tcpdf - start with existing PDF document
Create cronjob with Zend Framework the bare minimum from my front controller index.php my bootstrap.php I took out all the view stuff and focused on keeping the environment..
How to set up Hierarchical Zend Rest Routes? have setup the route for the users resource users id in my bootstrap.php file this bootstrap 'frontController' frontController Zend_Controller_Front..
PHP: What does __('Some text') do? into English Spanish and French in Kohana 1. In your bootstrap.php somewhere below the Kohana init line I18n lang 'fr' 2. In a..
Folder structure of a PHP MVC framework… am I doing this right? framework structure .htaccess index.php private app bootstrap.php modules default controllers pages.php index.php models.. I'm also working on my own to be called with autoloaders bootstrap.php is the app specific code... Do I need this is the main 'index.php'..
PHP include file strategy needed bootstrap script in your root directory www_root index.php bootstrap.php The bootstrap will contain the defines or an include of the..
How to setup a custom 404 page for a Kohana v3 app if such basic tings are so hard to setup. This is in my bootstrap.php file that should do the trick. if defined 'SUPPRESS_REQUEST'.. 3 share improve this question Replace the last line of bootstrap.php with Set the production status define 'IN_PRODUCTION' FALSE..
phpunit throws Uncaught exception 'PHPUnit_Framework_Exception phpunit.xml as following phpunit bootstrap . application bootstrap.php colors true testsuite name Application Test Suite directory.. type textdox target . log testdox.html logging And I have bootstrap.php in tests application folder as follows php error_reporting E_ALL..
Properly calling the database from Model in an MVC application? begins with _ in example is protected from application bootstrap.php snip connection new PDO 'sqlite memory ' model_factory new ModelFactory..
Zend Resource Autoloaders not working for namespaces No I guess I don't. Now with the not so tricky part php bootstrap.php class Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap..
Kohana 3.2. - How can I use hyphens in URIs to call our method properly. Step 1. Open your application bootstrap.php and add this line define 'URL_WITH_DASHES_ONLY' TRUE You use.. request Check the setting for dashes the one set in bootstrap.php if defined 'URL_WITH_DASHES_ONLY' and URL_WITH_DASHES_ONLY TRUE..
PHPUnit best practices to organize tests file attribute to specify your test bootstrap. tests bootstrap.php is a nice place to put it. There you can set up your applications..
How do I Access my Models using a Daemon in Zend Framework I created a daemon and placed it in the library folder. Bootstrap.php has been updated to autoload the custom library. So the application..
Sending email using Zend Framework and PHP what I use for sending mails using Zend_Mail and Gmail In Bootstrap.php I configure a default mail transport protected function _initMail..
How to implement service layer in Zend Framework? [closed] like the code below which would exist in your application Bootstrap.php to add those classes to the autoloader protected function _initResourceLoader..
Best way to deal with session handling in Zend Framework this question I would initialise in the bootstrap too Bootstrap.php protected function _initUserSession return new Zend_Session_Namespace..
Zend_Session / Zend_Auth randomly throws Error Message ps_files_cleanup_dir: opendir(/var/lib/php5) failed: Permission denied (13) workspace develop library Zend Application Bootstrap Bootstrap.php 97 Zend_Controller_Front dispatch #9 home hannes workspace develop..
How to Zend Framework with Propel ORM how to finish it. I'm guessing I have to modify the Zend Bootstrap.php and application.ini I'm using the latest Zend 1.10.8 but I'm..
phpunit throws Uncaught exception 'PHPUnit_Framework_Exception suffix .phtml .. application directory file .. application Bootstrap.php file file .. application controllers ErrorController.php file..
my_config.ini vs my_config.php .. library bootstrap.path APPLICATION_PATH Bootstrap.php bootstrap.class Bootstrap resources.frontController.controllerDirectory..
Simple rewrites in Zend Framework I think I was missing a default route . I did this in my Bootstrap.php I'm not sure if that was correct. Is there a simple approach..
Zend Framework Automatic Logout after inactivity actions mapped to custom login and logout routes using the Bootstrap.php as well as a front controller plugin that looks like this class..