php Programming Glossary: boilerplate
rewriting php application to get seo friendly url's page might look something like this this is pretty much boilerplate code and will need adjusting to fit your requirements realistically..
How is annotation useful in PHP? setWeapon weapon soldier fight All right that was a lot of boilerplate code bear with me I am coming to explain what annotations are..
CakePHP ACL Database Setup: ARO / ACO structure? an edited purely for clarity there's a lot of stuff in our boilerplate code that's meaningless here isMine method that we have in our..
Updating a MySql database using PHP via an onClick javascript function here . Basically what jQuery will do is write a lot of the boilerplate code for you. What you will end up writing is something like..
Is it possible to use mixins in php in snippets of code. You'll likely have to dump in some boilerplate code to get it to work properly in some cases but it would certainly..
Call PHP from virtual/custom “web server” GET ... exec usr bin php cgi Most of them are boilerplate. SCRIPT_FILENAME is how you pass the actual php filename to..
Is it really that wrong not using setters and getters? it. An IDE or text editor will let you generate accessor boilerplate and hide it using code folding. This arguably makes using getters..
When should I use Perl CGI instead of PHP (or vice versa)? way easier or only possible in Perl. Also there are the boilerplate issues I'm aware of CPAN that is the existence not yet the content..