php Programming Glossary: bookmark
Dependency Injection Pattern seems extreme in Control Class e printf Exception caught All good n printf Add me a bookmark control invokeByType ControlBookmark_add printf Done Fine Superb.. nonexistent ajax type Exception caught All good Add me a bookmark Done Fine Superb this works Do the two control functions Done..
Save full webpage a mirror for them. It happened to me several times to bookmark a website in order to read it later and after few days the website..
Client-side or server-side processing? case someone wants to share a link with their friends or bookmark a link for themselves. I go over a workaround in my blog post..
MySQL - auto decrementing value value So imagine you saved this page address to a bookmark. Now Jeff comes along and renumber the whole database. You press.. along and renumber the whole database. You press your bookmark and land on the different question. Whole site would be a terrible..
General purpose remote data backup and download - including InnoDb support with proposals on server configuration execute edit and bookmark any SQL statement even batch queries manage MySQL users and..
PHP function to evaluate string like “2-1” as arithmetic 2-1=1 one on GitHub before as well unfortunately I didn't bookmark it but it was related to large float operations that included..
show sub-subpage on wordpress homepage while have_posts the_post h3 a href php the_permalink rel bookmark php the_title a h3 div class entry p php the_excerpt p div..
How can I change the page URL without refreshing the page? http #search pushState is worth to bookmark there are already frameworks that do the hard work for you and..
In what cases will HTTP_REFERER be empty bar itself. visited the site by a browser maintained bookmark. visited the site as first page in the window tab. switched..
How can I keep the same url in the address bar for every page? else then that it prevents users from being able to bookmark your site. There are two ways to do this however if you are..