php Programming Glossary: bob
Php Check If a Static Class is Declared a static class has been declared ex Given the class class bob function yippie echo skippie later in code how do i check if.. later in code how do i check if is_a_valid_static_object bob bob yippie so i don't get Fatal error Class 'bob' not found.. in code how do i check if is_a_valid_static_object bob bob yippie so i don't get Fatal error Class 'bob' not found in file.php..
How to save encrypted data in cookie (using php)? I do that with php 5.2 It would be used for welcome back bob kind of feature. It is not a replacement for persistence or..
PHP 2D Array output all combinations 1 'pears' array 0 2 'oranges' array 1 0 'steve' array 1 1 'bob' And I would like to be able to produce from this a table with.. this would output Array 0 Array 1 apples steve apples bob pears steve pears bob But I would like for this to be able to.. Array 0 Array 1 apples steve apples bob pears steve pears bob But I would like for this to be able to work with as many different..
Using NSURLRequest to pass key-value pairs to PHP script with POST data NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys @ bob @ sender @ aaron @ rcpt @ hi there @ message nil NSURL url NSURL..
mysqli_stmt_bind_param SQL Injection and mysqli_stmt_bind_param For example malicious_input 'bob drop table users' mysqli_stmt_bind_param stmt 's' malicious_input.. pass this query string to mysql SET @username bob drop table users Or does it perform the SET command through..
Get the current script file name ext ' ' . ' ' '' filename var_dump chopExtension 'bob.php' string 3 bob var_dump chopExtension ''.. ' ' '' filename var_dump chopExtension 'bob.php' string 3 bob var_dump chopExtension '' string 15 bob.i.have.dots.. 'bob.php' string 3 bob var_dump chopExtension '' string 15 bob.i.have.dots See it Update Using..
Is time() a good salt to millions of systems. Worse yet there are also many bob out there and many do not have sysadmin training their passwords..
MySQL recursive tree search point on the branch. Database id name parent 1 tom 0 2 bob 0 3 fred 1 4 tim 2 5 leo 4 6 sam 4 7 joe 6 8 jay 3 9 jim 5 .. leo 4 6 sam 4 7 joe 6 8 jay 3 9 jim 5 Tree tom fred jay bob tim sam joe leo jim For example If I search j from the user.. sam joe leo jim For example If I search j from the user bob I should get only joe and jim . If I search j form leo I should..
How do I create and store md5 passwords in mysql in the first place So say I have a login page with user bob and password bob123 how will I 1. get bobs password into the.. So say I have a login page with user bob and password bob123 how will I 1. get bobs password into the database to begin.. page with user bob and password bob123 how will I 1. get bobs password into the database to begin with hashed 2. how do I..
How can I make a search form that searches for snippets of text? [closed] search result this is a link under it' 'this is a 3rd bob has a cat this is a link under it' and basically the search.. of code and show the results so lets say i typed in bob has a cat then the search form goes through the snippets of.. of code and on the results page displays this is a 3rd bob has a cat http php javascript jquery html share..
Get referrer URL - visitors coming from Paypal (HTTPS) status of a transaction if there was one . As pointed by Bob from the manual _SERVER is an array containing information such..
Uploading both data and files in one form using Ajax? form id data method post input type text name first value Bob input type text name middle value James input type text name.. multipart form data input type text name first value Bob input type text name middle value James input type text name.. multipart form data input type text name first value Bob input type text name middle value James input type text name..
Using MySQL, how do I select query result rank of one particular row? ORDER BY name ASC with results like id name 3 Andrew 1 Bob 5 Joe 4 John 2 Steve I would like to get the rank what row it..
Enabling jqmPhp to function like Gmail mobi? Wickerham a li li a href # Avery Johnson a li li a href # Bob Cabot a li li a href # Caleb Booth a li li a href # Christopher..
Laravel 3 : Looking for explanation how to use the model on the subject of Frameworks I've heard is due to Uncle Bob A good Architecture allows major decisions to be deferred Specifically.. many points raised in your question Robert C Martin Uncle Bob Clean Architecture and Design Video Of course his book on Clean..
PHP “&” operator success I thought that was better to ask for help... TIA Bob php share improve this question Those are references they..
php fputcsv and enclosing fields For example you might end up with a line like this 11 Bob Jenkins 200 main st. USA etc Short of appending a bogus space..
how send message facebook friend through graph api using Accessstoken email to Alice Create events on behalf of Alice invite Bob not your user to said events Issue a request invitation on behalf.. events Issue a request invitation on behalf of Alice to Bob Issue a request from the App to Alice share improve this answer..
Sorting an Array of Objects in PHP In a Specific Order How could I do this Thanks in advance for your help Bob php arrays object share improve this question Use usort..
MySQL ON DUPLICATE KEY insert into an audit or log table trying to insert a duplicate key CALL add_user 'userA' 'Bob' 'Smith' CALL add_user 'userB' 'Paul' 'Green' CALL add_user.. SELECT FROM users username first_name last_name userA Bob Smith userB Paul Green 2 rows in set 0.00 sec SELECT FROM..
Regex to conditionally replace Twitter hashtags with hyperlinks ignored presumably to stop things like Good presentation Bob slide #3 was my favourite from being linked . This makes the..
Is it possible to have encryption with multiple private keys (PHP)? he wants to make this information available to Jim and Bob. The users John and Jayne must not be able to decrypt it. Of.. key also symmetric key can be encrypted with Jim's and Bob's public key allowing them to decrypt the key and after that..
Convert array of paths into UL list Our History about staff Our Staff about staff bobjones Bob about staff sallymae Sally products All Products products gifts.. 'about staff ' 'Our Staff' 'about staff bobjones ' 'Bob' 'about staff sallymae ' 'Sally' 'products ' 'All Products'..
Properly calling the database from Model in an MVC application? then the problems directly influence your Models. Uncle Bob calls this technical debt . Few books loosely related to subject..
array combine three or more arrays with php key args keys array 'u1' 'u2' 'u3' names array 'Bob' 'Fred' 'Joe' emails array '' '' ''.. u_keys names emails ids this returns Array u1 Array name Bob email id 1 u2 Array name Fred email val return result keys array 'u1' 'u2' 'u3' names array 'Bob' 'Fred' 'Joe' emails array '' '' ''..
Best DB (MySQL) structure: Articles which contain favored tags which contain one of the favored tags. Assuming the user Bob has favored the tags barack obama nba new jersey and dogs ...