php Programming Glossary: bool
How foreach actually works array 4 1 int 1 value int 1 0 int 0 key int 0 1 2 3 4 5 bool false So despite the fact that we are not working directly with..
unserialize() [function.unserialize]: Error at offset step data @param key empty when setting @return bool public function loadSubmitData h key '' delete everything in.. the serialize bit... Save submission step data @return bool public function saveSubmitData h delete everything in this.. var_dump unserialize data Output array 'submit_editorial' boolean false 'submit_orig_url' string '' length 13..
Get first key in a (possibly) associative array?
Is there a difference between !== and != in PHP? compares type as well. That means this var_dump 5 5 bool false var_dump 5 5 bool true because 5 and 5 are of different.. well. That means this var_dump 5 5 bool false var_dump 5 5 bool true because 5 and 5 are of different types share improve..
PHP file cannot enter some part of code @link http manual en iterator.valid.php @return boolean The return value will be casted to boolean and then evaluated... @return boolean The return value will be casted to boolean and then evaluated. Returns true on success or false on failure... success or false on failure. public function valid return bool this current Rewind the Iterator to the first element @link..
How to validate an email address in PHP [duplicate] EMAIL v a zA Z0 9_ . @ a zA Z0 9 . a zA Z return bool preg_match v EMAIL Is this okay for checking if the email address..
sending email with gmail smtp with codeigniter email library config 'mailtype' 'text' or html config 'validation' TRUE bool whether to validate email or not this email initialize config..
What's the difference between echo, print, and print_r in PHP? 0 and 0.0 or false and '' array 4 0 int 0 1 float 0 2 bool false 3 string 0 Array 0 0 1 0 2 3 share improve this answer..
Casting an Array with Numeric Keys as an Object o 1 property_exists o '1' And the output is bool false bool false EDIT AGAIN Interesting side note the following.. o 1 property_exists o '1' And the output is bool false bool false EDIT AGAIN Interesting side note the following operation..
Convert one date format into another in PHP 'y m d h i s' works middle strtotime old_date returns bool false new_date date 'Y m d H i s' middle returns 1970 01 01..
Sanitizing strings to make them URL and filename safe? slug form @param string string the string to clean @param bool is_filename TRUE will allow additional filename characters @return.. The Encoder interface provides canonicalize string input bool strict true decodeFromBase64 string input decodeFromURL string.. decodeFromURL string input encodeForBase64 string input bool wrap false encodeForCSS string input encodeForHTML string input..
Working with IPv6 Addresses in PHP first Attempt to find the client's IP Address @param bool Should the IP be converted using ip2long @return string long..
php == vs === operator [duplicate]
Php PDO::bindParam data types.. how does it work? Z_TYPE_P param parameter IS_LONG convert_to_boolean param parameter So if you say it is a STR or if you say.. method. If you say it's an int but it is really a bool then it will convert it to a long. If you say it's a bool but.. bool then it will convert it to a long. If you say it's a bool but it's really a number then it will convert it to a true boolean...