php Programming Glossary: boundary
How to make a calculator in PHP? It works by first tokenizing the input based on word boundary and tokens . Then it runs the Shunting Yard algorithm on it..
How to send email with attachment using PHP? 'Email' headers From . email_from semi_rand md5 time mime_boundary Multipart_Boundary_x semi_rand x headers . nMIME Version 1.0.. . nMIME Version 1.0 n . Content Type multipart mixed n . boundary mime_boundary email_message . This is a multi part message in.. 1.0 n . Content Type multipart mixed n . boundary mime_boundary email_message . This is a multi part message in MIME format...
Truncate a multibyte String to n chars addition the filter is supposed to cut at the first word boundary below the chars limit e.g. in Answer to the Ultimate Question.. character in string below calculated limit to get word boundary cut string at last space or calculated limit if no last space.. chars 50 terminator ' cutPos chars mb_strlen terminator boundaryPos mb_strrpos mb_substr string 0 mb_strpos string ' ' cutPos..
Sending HTML email from PHP subject of the email subject 'Test HTML email' create a boundary string. It must be unique so we use the MD5 algorithm to generate.. r nReply To add boundary string and mime type specification headers . r nContent Type.. headers . r nContent Type multipart alternative boundary PHP alt . random_hash. define the body of the message. ob_start..
POST a file string using cURL in PHP? somewhere HTTP 1.1 Content Type multipart form data boundary 7da16b2e4026c Content Length 105732 7da16b2e4026c Content.. CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER array 'Content Type multipart form data boundary ' . delimiter 'Content Length ' . strlen data curl_setopt handle..
php send e-mail with attachment r nReply To . to headers . r nContent Type . contentType. boundary PHP mixed . random_hash. attachment chunk_split base64_encode.. PHP mixed random_hash Content Type multipart alternative boundary PHP alt random_hash PHP alt random_hash Content Type text plain.. couple of my emails and I notice the the final attachment boundary ends with ' ' while the opening boundary marker does not. In..
php send email with attachment r n . MIME Version 1.0 r n . Content Type multipart mixed boundary . uid. r n r n . This is a multi part message in MIME format...
Sending images from Canvas elements using Ajax and PHP $_FILES ajax.setRequestHeader 'Content Type' multipart form data boundary boundary_str var request_body boundary ' n' 'Content Disposition.. 'Content Type' multipart form data boundary boundary_str var request_body boundary ' n' 'Content Disposition form.. multipart form data boundary boundary_str var request_body boundary ' n' 'Content Disposition form data name formfield ' ' n' '..
How to find all Youtube video ids in a string using a regex? the scheme part required. Previous version used the b word boundary anchor around the VIDEO_ID. However this will not work if the..
PHP Warning: POST Content-Length of 113 bytes exceeds the limit of -1988100096 bytes in Unknown it to the integer number of bytes by not performing a boundary check. A number starting at 2G or 2048M will be 2147483648 bytes..