php Programming Glossary: bootstrap
How to properly set up a PDO connection The provider in this case would be found somewhere at the bootstrap stage. This approach would also give a clear location where..
Getting a modified preorder tree traversal model (nested set) into a <ul> ... Step 2 Output as HTML list fragment Using while loop bootstrap loop result '' currDepth 1 1 to get the outer ul while empty..
What is the right way to handle $_POST data in MVC? Only thing that each variant has different is the bootstrap stage where you create the Request instance and select the proper..
How to install Zend Framework on Windows one PHP file you need under your htdocs that is the single bootstrap file that Zend Framework uses to instantiate the Front Controller..
Practical Zend_ACL + Zend_Auth implementation and best practices set 'acl' acl Question #1 Should this code be in the bootstrap or in a standalone file such as this If so would it be better.. user self getCurrentUser return user getId in class bootstrap protected function _initUser auth Zend_Auth getInstance if auth..
How can I relax PHP's open_basedir restriction? it in this instance. So here is the inclusion from Zend's bootstrap define 'APPLICATION_PATH' realpath dirname __FILE__ . ' .. zend..
Running a Zend Framework action from command line It's actually much easier than you might think. The bootstrap application components and your existing configs can be reused.. script in this case db and mail application getBootstrap bootstrap array 'db' 'mail' You can then proceed to use ZF resources just..
Dealing with timezones in PHP to his preference I set the timezone somewhere in my bootstrap file using date_default_timezone_set timezone When I'm looking..
Using Zend Framework for highload projects While Zend_App is great for creating consistent complex bootstraps within a standardised structure it doesn't come without a significant.. performance hit to baseline performance. A more direct bootstrap typical of ZF until Zend_App arrived is far faster and can also..
How to Zend Framework with Propel ORM the following would work for the runtime stuff In your bootstrap public function initPropel require_once 'Propel.php' Propel..
Zend_Db without Zend Framework clear in this regard. Create an adapter instance in your bootstrap. As an example db Zend_Db factory 'Pdo_Mysql' array 'host' ''..
Need guidance to start with Zend ACL I created my own configAcl.php file which is loaded in bootstrap file in my case it is index.php. Here is how it'd be according.. loading your configAcl.php and register the AuthPlugin in bootstrap file probably index.php . require_once '.. application configAcl.php'..
PHPUnit output causing Zend_Session exceptions tried adding Zend_Session _unitTestEnabled true to my test bootstrap but that didn't help and shouldn't be necessary anyway because..
`static` keyword inside function? to a variable inside a function function module_load_all bootstrap FALSE static has_run FALSE php function static keyword share..
How to properly handle session and access token with Facebook PHP SDK 3.0? some further research I added the following lines in my bootstrap ini_set 'session.use_trans_sid' 1 header 'P3P CP IDC DSP COR..
Simple rewrites in Zend Framework asking 'Where should this code go in a controller model bootstrap other ' php zend framework url rewriting share improve this.. login putting it in your bootstrap is not wrong it just doesn't seem as convienient to me. Also..
how to configure htaccess in zend framework and set AllowOverride All . Also make sure you create a Bootstrap file for each module as the autoloading is not set up for modules..
Make Twitter Bootstrap navbar link active Twitter Bootstrap navbar link active What's the standard way to make the active.. the standard way to make the active link in a Twitter Bootstrap navbar bolded It's clear that a link gains the active appearance..
Zend_Controller_Router_Exception: “xyz” is not specified a problem in my current Zend Framework application. In my Bootstrap I register these routes protected function _initRouter this.. elements in the module bootstrap php class Contact_Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Module_Bootstrap protected function.. class Contact_Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Module_Bootstrap protected function _initNavigation layout this getApplication..
Zend Framework 2 - Form Element Decorators Decorators I want to force the Zend form into Twitter Bootstrap style. I currently iterate through the form fields and write..
Adding 3rd party library to ZendFramework tweak the application.ini file you can do it through your Bootstrap class. Add this function to Bootstrap protected function _initAutoload.. do it through your Bootstrap class. Add this function to Bootstrap protected function _initAutoload loader Zend_Loader_Autoloader..
Practical Zend_ACL + Zend_Auth implementation and best practices self _instance null self getInstance class Smapp extends Bootstrap class Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap.. null self getInstance class Smapp extends Bootstrap class Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap @var App_Model_User.. extends Bootstrap class Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap @var App_Model_User protected static _currentUser..
Zend Framework: Autoloading a Class Library bootstrap php Application bootstrap @uses Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap class Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap.. php Application bootstrap @uses Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap class Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap.. bootstrap @uses Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap class Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap Bootstrap autoloader..
How to set up Hierarchical Zend Rest Routes? sure when it'll be implemented. You can add this in your Bootstrap to set up this custom route. front this getResource 'FrontController'..
How do I extend the Zend Navigation Menu View Helper? to extend it. Initializing the navigation object in my Bootstrap navTable new Default_Model_Site_DbTable_Navigation view this..
How do detect that transaction has already been started? 'database' commit return true catch Zend_Exception e Bootstrap Log err e getMessage Zend_Registry get 'database' rollBack..
Using PHP namespaces in a Zend Framework (v1) application suggested by Dmitry on the ZF issue tracker class Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap protected function.. ZF issue tracker class Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap protected function _initAutoloader loader function.. tracker class Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap protected function _initAutoloader loader function className..
Calling Drupal functions in external PHP file from the linked question in the comment above You need to Bootstrap Drupal in the external PHP file bootstrap Drupal chdir path..