php Programming Glossary: bounty
Getting a modified preorder tree traversal model (nested set) into a <ul> sets share improve this question Ok let's do some bounty hunting Step 0 Sanitize example As already mentioned your example..
“vertical” regex matching in an ASCII “image” have to be three in a row. Therefore all upvotes and the bounty should go to either of m.buettner 's comprehensive .NET answer..
Tell bots apart from human visitors for stats? most technically viable contribution will receive the bounty amount. php javascript web services analytics share improve..
Unobtrusive, self-hosted comments function to put onto existing web pages anybody know a solution like this Bounty I am setting up a bounty because while there were some good suggestions they all point..
Pre-installed Linux for Web Developers? made are already a brilliant list I'm putting a bounty on the question to try and gather as much input as possible.. the issue for future generations. I will be awarding the bounty either based on popular vote or on a whim from what looks the..
PHP YAML Parsers [closed] are the pros and cons of this library Update Starting a bounty to get fresh input. What's the status of YAML parsers in 2010..
PHP - Send cookie with file_get_contents I have a situation explained in this question with a bounty yet with no replies as the initial plan is not going to work..
Picking the nearest value from an array reflecting ranges more elegantly. I'm going to award the accepted answer a bounty of 200 but apparently I have to wait 24 hours until I can do..
Best way to implement Single-Sign-On with all major providers? what i did. Please see my answer below. I added the bounty to get feedback discussion on it. Maby my approach is not so.. Well i consider this question answered but I add a bounty just to get discussion. I would like to know what you think.. to know what you think of my solution. I will award the bounty to the best answer comment beside this one. share improve this..
Send file via cURL from form POST in PHP Any advice would be most appreciated. EDIT I've added a bounty to this question. If someone could give me a code snippet of..
PHP PDF template library with PDF output? now. Update Argh I was called out of the office and the bounty expired in the meantime. Starting a new bounty As far as my.. and the bounty expired in the meantime. Starting a new bounty As far as my testing shows no solution works for me perfectly.. the pdftk approach soon but I am also starting another bounty for one more round of collecting additional input. This question..
PHP, MySQL and Time Zones if you have to consider me a complete dumbo noob. Edit for bounty I am adding a bounty to this question because I really thing.. me a complete dumbo noob. Edit for bounty I am adding a bounty to this question because I really thing we need a good canonical.. question This answer has been updated to accomodate the bounty. The original unedited answer is below the line. Almost all..
Magento module to change dashboard graph of 2000 at 10AM but it doesn't show on the time graph. Bounty for whoever can fix the script below to reflect on the timeline..
Tell bots apart from human visitors for stats? there is any project or service that does that already. Bounty I thought I'd push this as a reference question on the topic...
Unobtrusive, self-hosted comments function to put onto existing web pages form using this ID. Does anybody know a solution like this Bounty I am setting up a bounty because while there were some good..
Pre-installed Linux for Web Developers? the above list would cost me weeks if I'd do it alone. Bounty I have had to put this on the shelf for the time being due to..
Setting up a deployment / build / CI cycle for PHP projects enough to interact with the other parts of the process. Bounty I am accepting the answer that I feel will give me the most..
How should I ethically approach user password storage for later plaintext retrieval? I should handle the specifics. Additional Information for Bounty I want to clarify that I know this is not something you want..
Extended placeholders for SQL, e.g. WHERE id IN (??) placeholders for SQL e.g. WHERE id IN Bounty update Already got a very good answer from Mark. Adapted into..
PHP global in functions to documentation... technical reasons. Thanks in advance Bounty This is is a nice general question about the topic I @Gordon.. general question about the topic I @Gordon am offering a Bounty to get some more additional answers. Whether your answer is..