php Programming Glossary: bindings
SQL query escaping + codeigniter codeigniter does also support prepared statements as query bindings The secondary benefit of using binds is that the values are..
Different WCF Bindings, their differences and compatibility with other platforms am looking for some good technical details on Topic of WCF bindings I am interested to know following things. List of Different..
PDO bindParam issue [duplicate] and column names. You are misunderstanding the use of bindings. You cannot bind table and column names with PDO. You bind data..
How to convert text to images on the fly? most popular alternatives for generating images and it has bindings for most languages used in web development . See the documentation..
How can I take fullscreen screenshot of website index.php page faq Use webkit engine with some bindings for it http www.blogs.uni rotapken 2008 12 03..
Why can't you call abstract functions from abstract classes in PHP? you should use static not self in order to use late static bindings abstract class AbstractFoo public static function foo throw..
What's the difference between :: (double colon) and -> (arrow) in PHP? used static refers to the called scope see late static bindings . The rule is that a call with is an instance call if and only..
Conversion of SVG into PNG/JPEG/BMP and Vice Versa? GD should be able to as well. If not there are also PHP bindings for rsvg. Converting PNG bitmap to SVG vector on the other hand..
Easy way to test a URL for 404 in PHP? share improve this question If you are using PHP's curl bindings you can check the error code using curl_getinfo as such handle..
static::staticFunctionName() It's the keyword used in PHP 5.3 to invoke late static bindings. Read all about it in the manual http manual en language.oop5.late.. manual http manual en language.oop5.late static bindings.php In summary static foo works like a dynamic self foo . class..
generating a screenshot of a website using jquery you want to do something like this... they also have php bindings aswell. php jquery thumbnails screenshot share improve this..
PHP: get classname from static call in extended class foo new MyAction foo n displays 'MyAction' Late static bindings available in PHP 5.3 Now that PHP 5.3 is released you can use.. 5.3 Now that PHP 5.3 is released you can use late static bindings which let you resolve the target class for a static method call..
New self vs. new static operation takes place in. static in PHP 5.3's late static bindings refers to whatever class in the hierarchy which you call the..
When *not* to use prepared statements? native database prepared statements but still allows query bindings to prevent sql injection and keep your sql tidy. From what I..
How do I get WKHTMLTOPDF to execute via PHP? pdf1.pdf Source Question on Stack Overflow The full PHP bindings along with the following give me errors which despite my best..
What is the best open source PHP IDE out there? [closed] frontend to vim with all the power. However it has bindings for normal actions like Ctrl S for save rather than the vim..
SQL injection on INSERT