php Programming Glossary: bin2hex
PHP5 calculate IPv6 range from cidr prefix? with hexadecimal characters # unpack can be replaced with bin2hex # unpack is used for symmetry with pack below firstaddrhex reset..
How can I get a hex dump of a string in PHP? encoding hex share improve this question echo bin2hex string or for i 0 i strlen string i echo dechex ord string i..
How to encrypt/decrypt data in php? data into a textual representation using base64_encode or bin2hex doing so requires between 25 to 100 more storage space. Decryption..
Is there an error in PHP's imap_fetch_overview()-function when reading headers with brackets? if Chr Chr Delimiter Asc 127 Out . Delimiter . strtoupper bin2hex Chr else Out . Chr return Out echo EncodeMime Name with and..
PHP and C++ for UTF-8 code unit in reverse order in Chinese character in PHP when I use this mb_convert_encoding function. echo bin2hex mb_convert_encoding 你好 UTF 16 UTF 8 result 4f60 597d echo bin2hex.. mb_convert_encoding 你好 UTF 16 UTF 8 result 4f60 597d echo bin2hex mb_convert_encoding UTF 16 UTF 8 result 604f 7d59 The PHP..
How to save encrypted data in cookie (using php)? be seperated out from the encrypted String this encStr bin2hex this iv. tmpStr Decrypts a hex string @param src string String..
Mcrypt js encryption value is different than that produced by PHP mcrypt / Mcrypt JS decrypt doesn't work for UTF-8 chars I tried both base64 encode decode and even hex2bin bin2hex to parse those strings but these two produced following results.. to be encrypted. enc_str string_encrypt test_str echo bin2hex enc_str Output f98fca4ddc4c10d6cd47df56b081b78566ee4facbcf2254b46f7809d9b255529d2078f28b150e802d72818be1888536fac6219f6ce7b9d9332a24afa09288f0e.. echo ' br ' enc_str string_encrypt test_str key echo bin2hex enc_str echo ' br ' echo string_decrypt enc_str key echo..
How to compress/decompress a long query string in PHP? echo str . n echo base64_encode gzcompress str 9 . n echo bin2hex gzcompress str 9 . n echo urlencode gzcompress str 9 . n Hello..
Rewrite Rijndael 256 C# Encryption Code in PHP PBKDF1 pass salt count dklen t pass. salt echo 'S P '.bin2hex t .' br ' t sha1 t true echo 'T1 ' . bin2hex t . ' br ' for.. echo 'S P '.bin2hex t .' br ' t sha1 t true echo 'T1 ' . bin2hex t . ' br ' for i 2 i count i t sha1 t true echo 'T'. i.' '.. ' br ' for i 2 i count i t sha1 t true echo 'T'. i.' ' . bin2hex t . ' br ' t substr t 0 dklen return t Now you can see the errs..
How to reverse a Unicode string U 00F6 var_dump array_map function elem return strtoupper bin2hex elem 'should be' o xCC x88 . a xCC x8A 'grapheme' utf8_strrev..
How can we create a fairly secure password hash in PHP? simply passed stored hash as second parameter. return bin2hex salt . hash function crypto_random_bytes count static randomState..
How do I create and store md5 passwords in mysql # generate a random salt to use for this account salt bin2hex mcrypt_create_iv 32 MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM saltedPW escapedPW ...
.rar, .zip files MIME Type x07 x00 http wiki RAR if ext '.rar' and bin2hex bytes '526172211a0700' return TRUE ZIP magic number none though..
forget password page, creating a generated password to email to the user. algorithm and using a randomly created salt. password_salt bin2hex mcrypt_create_iv 32 MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM password_hash hash 'sha256'..