php Programming Glossary: binary
How to evaluate formula passed as string in PHP? Kaufmann. LICENSE Redistribution and use in source and binary forms with or without modification are permitted provided that.. and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice this list of.. foreach tokens as token nice and easy if the token is a binary operator pop two values off the stack do the operation and push..
How to upload a file using Java HttpClient library working with PHP - strange problem TRASH zaba_1.jpg FileEntity reqEntity new FileEntity file binary octet stream httppost.setEntity reqEntity reqEntity.setContentType.. httppost.setEntity reqEntity reqEntity.setContentType binary octet stream System.out.println executing request httppost.getRequestLine.. POST upload.php HTTP 1.1 Content Length 13091 Content Type binary octet stream Host localhost 9002 Connection Keep Alive User..
How to encrypt/decrypt data in php? is 16 bytes. Encryption key A good encryption key is a binary blob that's generated from a reliable random number generator... Storage requirements The encrypted output like the IV is binary storing these values in a database can be accomplished by using.. as BINARY or VARBINARY . The output value like the IV is binary to store those values in MySQL consider using BINARY or VARBINARY..
Can you “compile” PHP code? every web access. But can you compile php and upload a binary ish file which will just be run by the byte code interpreter..
Reading/Writing a MS Word file in PHP ms word read write share improve this question Reading binary Word documents would involve creating a parser according to..
PHP function to generate v4 UUID I've been able to come. My knowledge in hex decimal binary PHP's bitwise operators and the like is nearly non existant...
PHP Math Precision See an example in Python . Since floating point are binary numbers with finite precision there's a finite amount of representable.. there is no way to accurately represent 34.99 or 0.01 in binary just like in decimal 1 3 0.3333... so approximations are used..
Is there a static code analyzer [like Lint] for PHP files? [closed] closed Is there a static code analyzer for PHP files The binary itself can check for syntax errors but I'm looking for something..
What is the best way to stop people hacking the PHP-based highscore table of a Flash game score encrypting session key decrypting key into the Flash binary. You encrypt the high score with this decrypted key along with.. key encryptions and high score postings throughout the binary. This is all mostly a waste of time. It goes without saying..
Headers already sent by PHP but as soon as the application logic attempts to send binary content a generated image for example the buffered extraneous..
PHP LZW Binary Decompression Function LZW Binary Decompression Function I've been looking on the internets and..
explain php output is for arbitrary precision mathematics PHP offers the Binary Calculator which supports numbers of any size and precision..
PHP Force Download of Remote File application octet stream' header Content Transfer Encoding Binary header Content disposition attachment filename . file_name...
Mcrypt js encryption value is different than that produced by PHP mcrypt / Mcrypt JS decrypt doesn't work for UTF-8 chars these encryption functions produce binary as their output. Binary cannot be written as plain text in most cases without damaging..
Download of .zip file runs a corrupted file php type application zip n header Content Transfer Encoding Binary header Content length .filesize file . n header Content disposition.. Type application zip header Content Transfer Encoding Binary header Content Length .filesize file header Content Disposition..
MySQL Binary Storage using BLOB VS OS File System: large files, large quantities, large problems Binary Storage using BLOB VS OS File System large files large quantities..
How to convert html to doc in php An HTML to RTF conversion tool based on XSL Word .doc Binary File Format HTML CSS to RTF in PHP Solutions Live DOCX In PHP..
PHP Binary Tree Recursion Algorithm Binary Tree Recursion Algorithm I'm working on my first ever recursive..
file_get_contents => PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory exhausted incorrectly wrapped. newData str_replace n newData ##fix 'Binary file' message when find utility cannot id file. pattern ' Binary.. file' message when find utility cannot id file. pattern ' Binary file . ' replacement '' newData preg_replace pattern replacement..
How to force download of a file? application octet stream' header Content Transfer Encoding Binary header Content disposition attachment filename . file_name...
php image file download by code filename ' . dir . ' ' header Content Transfer Encoding Binary header Cache Control no store no cache must revalidate header..
How to return a file in PHP Type application zip header Content Transfer Encoding Binary header Content Length .filesize attachment_location header..
How to Check if File is ASCII or Binary in PHP to Check if File is ASCII or Binary in PHP Is there a quick simple way to check if a file is ASCII..
How to force file download with PHP application octet stream' header Content Transfer Encoding Binary header Content disposition attachment filename . basename file_url..