php Programming Glossary: binaries
Imagick on heroku - is it possible? your application itself for instance by adding compiled binaries to your git source tree. Or you can modify the Heroku PHP buildpack..
How to get CURL to work with PHP on Windows? (WAMP) a bug in PHP 5.2.9 on Win2k. I downloaded the windows binaries only distribution of PHP 5.2.10 from and extracted that..
When should I use Memcache instead of Memcached? does not require additional libraries and has pre compiled binaries for even windows I would think that it would be the better choice..
php_memcache.dll for PHP 5.3
What is thread safe or non thread safe in PHP is thread safe or non thread safe in PHP I saw different binaries for PHP like non thread or thread safe What does it mean this..
Parsing and generating Microsoft Office 2007 files (.docx, .xlsx, .pptx) 5.2 and has PHP Perl Python installed. I can execute local binaries and shell scripts if I must. We use Apache 2.2 but will be switching..
I never really understood: what is CGI? come with this directory pre configured to execute all binaries there as CGI programs. The .cgi extension denotes an executable..
Pre-installed Linux for Web Developers? install just what is needed in your setup and use lighter binaries like Busybox . There's an old project called Debian From Scratch..
Login without HTTPS, how to secure? cookies JavaScript etc. offers in real life no magic RSA binaries PGP plugins . Question is what is the best you can make out..
How do I upgrade PHP in Mac OS X? know whether I should install from source or download binaries. I also don't know the proper way to uninstall the previous..
Installing ImageMagick extension with php/windows 7 Q16 windows dll.exe http download binaries ImageMagick 6.5.8 7 Q16 windows dll.exe download php_imagick_dyn..
How to install imagemagick on windows 7 7 Q16 windows dll.exe http download binaries ImageMagick 6.5.8 7 Q16 windows dll.exe download php_imagick_dyn..
php-fpm for windows? 5.3.3. Now I was wondering when I download the newset php binaries from there is no php fpm in it. How do I get it Is it..
Is PHP thread-safe MPM The facts I gathered so far are inconclusive default binaries included in most distributions have ZTS disabled so I'm aware..
Is it possible to use C++ binaries from php it possible to use C binaries from php Is it possible to write some C or C code and compile.. Is it possible to write some C or C code and compile to binaries then use those binaries with php Is it also possible to write.. some C or C code and compile to binaries then use those binaries with php Is it also possible to write a php library using C..
PHP LaTeX to PDF Conversion/Compiling said PDF files using LaTeX. Edit Additionally installing binaries libraries or tools on to the server is a no no. The tool at.. this question i just installed the package texlive binaries and used a shell exec with the pdflatex command to generate.. have enough space install textlive full instead of texlive binaries . This will install all the available packages fonts etc. and..
Is it possible to wrap PHP/MySQL application in binary that can work as stand alone application? It compiles PHP source code to stand alone native binaries which do not require an interpreter. Roadsend Compiler can build..