php Programming Glossary: biased
PHP echo vs PHP short tags safe and that it slows down page load times. I am strictly biased to using echo. What are the advantages disadvantages php function..
data mapper vs active record [closed]
What are the characteristics of spaghetti code? frankly that's the only thing I know. So it's completely biased D So I am just curious What is the characteristic of spaghetti..
How to learn web-programming (Javascript, PHP)? to assume you wish to pursue web development. I might be biased but I think PHP is a good language to learn. However I will..
How can I randomize an array in PHP by providing a seed and get the same order? to randomize things since they are very likely to be biased. The Fisher Yates algorithm is known to be both efficient and.. Fisher Yates algorithm is known to be both efficient and unbiased though function fisherYatesShuffle items seed @mt_srand seed..
What kinds of patterns could I enforce on the code to make it easier to translate to another programming language? our tools to be extremely good but then I'm pretty biased . And it is still very hard to build a good translator. The..
How much does it cost me to choose ASP.NET over PHP? but unfortunately you always encount people who are biased to the technology they use. Yesterday while I was walking to..
Decode a PHP encoded with 'zend guard' a read of this article from the Zend site I know it is a biased source but they are right http viewtopic.php..
PHP: How do I remove nested tags, and relocate them in an un-nested way? like five now none of which I can release so maybe I'm biased Start by exploding the string on and . Go through the resulting..
What's the disadvantage of mt_rand? of bias in The distribution of mt_rand return values is biased towards even numbers on 64 bit builds of PHP when max is beyond..
Better PHP,MySql,HTML and JavaScript IDE [closed] to ExtJs I would like to mention JQuery especially I am biased towards it. So you would get PHP MySQL Javascript together...