php Programming Glossary: beware
Check to see if a string is serialized? 0 or null or anything that equals to false I'd say . Just beware the notice you might want need to use the @ operator . For instance..
How do I remove a directory that is not empty? things simple. That does make your script UNIX only so beware of that. If you go that route I would try something like function..
Save PHP array to MySQL? perform queries such as these and yes this is an example beware function getTest ret array c connect query 'SELECT FROM test'..
Pre-installed Linux for Web Developers? with minor differences you may have with your installation beware though that controlling too many snapshots may be a little cumbersome..
Protected File Download Script. Almost there directory of this file second goes up one level etc. BTW beware of indicating the path in your URL one could read other files..
How can I work with dates before 1900 in PHP? in PHP 5.2 And several methods only exist in PHP 5.3 So beware of which methods you're using if you're developping on PHP 5.3..
SQL Select * from multiple tables myTable.myColumn . It works if you fetch an object too so beware because you need to access the properties like obj 'myTable.myColumn'..
Tools to visually analyze memory usage of a PHP app itself and also has not been extensively tested so buyer beware function analyzeMem obj deep false if is_scalar obj usage array..
How do I get the current time zone of MySQL? not actually in the same timezone isn't a huge leap. But beware that as with MySQL you can set the timezone that PHP uses date_default_timezone_set..
In PHP can someone explain cloning vs pointer reference? a clone b . Reference can be achieved by doing a b but beware that this has nothing to do with the object. You're binding..
Multiple memcached servers question in memcached i dunno but some sort of hash for sure. But beware that this teqnique is not highly available. So if one server..
Pulling Track Info From an Audio Stream Using PHP I'd probably just split with a limit of 2 on but beware of titles that contain . I'm not sure what the escape character..
PHP Session Fixation / Hijacking really paranoid you could rotate the session name too but beware that all sessions will automatically be invalidated if you change..
Doing calculations in MySQL vs PHP the performance benefits i've mentioned are very slight so beware of premature optimisation. Also if other systems are accessing..
Creating a kml file from a mysql database with php can adapt the LinesString parsing method and achieve it. beware of properly embedding the outerBoundaryIs tag in the Polygon..
new limit within php: 1000 fields per POST. Does someone know, if the number can be influenced? your number of inputs thus fields in your forms . Also beware of max_input_nesting_level And yes they are configurable. Just..
Check if the user is a fan of my facebook page? like the page for un like there is edge.remove event . Beware that this is only reliable in cases user didn't liked that content..
Baffled: PHP Fatal error: Exception thrown without a stack frame in Unknown on line 0? request directly into netcat replaying the exact request. Beware though that some arguments like a sessionid might be in your..
Replace URLs in text with HTML links Ports 8080 https 1234 . Beware of Greeks bringing internationalized top level domains xn hxajbheg2az3al.xn..
Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP? due to this visible and technical data code separation. Beware that parameter binding still isn't a magic one stop solution..
Webhoster inserts a javascript which brokes my code how to remove it? code. http analytics.php EDIT Beware by doing this you violate their policy and they will eventually..
Block upload of executable images (PHP) and you can't serve the site via IP but via the domain . Beware of LFI and RFI. Rename the filenames before using the filename..
PHP DateTime::modify adding and subtracting months According to the documentation found here Example #2 Beware when adding or subtracting months php date new DateTime '2000..
Highlight keywords in a paragraph highlight bar span baz b span class highlight bar span b p Beware of non dom solutions like regex or str_replace since highlighting..
Smarty (and other tpl ngins): assign and assign_by_ref template code no copying will be done. Some further notes Beware of trying to optimize your code by blindly inserting references...
Finding towns within a 10 mile radius of postcode. Google maps API their latitude longitude. Save these somewhere database . Beware Google will not accept an enormous amount of calls so throttle..
Diagnosing Memory Leaks - Allowed memory size of # bytes exhausted 'memory_limit' '16M' ini_set 'memory_limit' 1 no limit Beware You may only be solving the symptom and not the problem Diagnosing..
HTML2PDF in PHP - convert utilities & scripts - examples & demos not spend the time like I did go straight to wkhtmltopdf . Beware the wkhtmltopdf installation is tricky . It was not so easy.. After completing this I was able to run wkhtmltopdf . Beware it took me some time to figure out that trying to run xvfb was..