php Programming Glossary: birthyear
Get data from url in android test q mysql_query SELECT FROM people WHERE birthyear ' . _REQUEST 'year' . ' while e mysql_fetch_assoc q output e.. mysql_close and this is result id 1 name kongkea sex 1 birthyear 1990 id 2 name thida sex 0 birthyear 2000 I want to use button.. 1 name kongkea sex 1 birthyear 1990 id 2 name thida sex 0 birthyear 2000 I want to use button click and show this result in textview..
connecting android apps to mysql database android q mysql_query SELECT FROM people WHERE birthyear ' . _REQUEST 'year' . ' while e mysql_fetch_assoc q output.. VARCHAR 100 NOT NULL `sex` BOOL NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' `birthyear` INT NOT NULL This is my java code in android public class main.. name json_data.getString name sex json_data.getInt sex birthyear json_data.getInt birthyear Toast.makeText getApplicationContext..