php Programming Glossary: bigint
Puzzle Solving: Finding All Words Within a Larger Word in PHP for the letters in the word and store in the table in a bigint data type column. For instance tea would have a value of 3 2.. by 7315 so the word rain is inside the word inward . A bigint column maxes out at 9223372036854775807 which should be fine.. 6901041299724096525 which would just barely fit inside the bigint column. However the 14 letter word xylopyrography has a value..
Magento upgrade takes too long and never completes log_id int 10 unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT visitor_id bigint 20 unsigned DEFAULT NULL customer_id int 11 NOT NULL DEFAULT.. quote_id int 10 unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' visitor_id bigint 20 unsigned DEFAULT NULL created_at datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT.. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS log_summary summary_id bigint 20 unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT store_id smallint 5 unsigned..
Practical Zend_ACL + Zend_Auth implementation and best practices is simply user_id DB design CREATE TABLE `user` `id` bigint 20 NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT `open_id` varchar 255 NOT NULL `role`.. DEFAULT CHARSET utf8 CREATE TABLE `user_profile` `user_id` bigint 20 NOT NULL `display_name` varchar 100 DEFAULT NULL `email`..
Multilingual Site in Zend Framework store all translations of all tables. e.g. translations id bigint table_name vc 50 table_id bigint langugae column_name vc 50.. e.g. translations id bigint table_name vc 50 table_id bigint langugae column_name vc 50 translation should i save records..
Mysql int(11) number out of range fit into an int looks like you are going to have to use a bigint . See the Datatypes Numeric types section of the MySQL manual..