php Programming Glossary: annotations
is there a facility for generating scaffolding in a Symfony2 app? AcmeBlogBundle This would generate the entities with annotations. yml and xml are supported aswell share improve this answer..
How to use PHP OPCache? 1 If you use any library or code that uses code annotations you must enable save comments opcache.save_comments 1 If disabled..
PHP: The Reflection API - Great Addition To PHP With Little Use where Reflection comes in handy is when parsing for annotations in the DocBlock of a class. For instance PHPUnit uses the annotations.. in the DocBlock of a class. For instance PHPUnit uses the annotations @test to tell the PHPUnit TestRunner that it should consider..
How is annotation useful in PHP? line of specialized PHPDoc. hopeseekr 0 secs ago edit php annotations share improve this question Rob Olmos explained it right.. and can promote decoupling. In my words I'd say that these annotations are valuable especially in context of reflection where you gather.. The upcoming FLOW3 framework for example uses docComments annotations to identify which objects are injected in an instance created..
Doctrine 2 Inheritance Mapping with Association the benefits of inheritance Note I didn't add the Doctrine annotations for the mapping to DB but you can understand what I mean php.. case in your example If you had not omitted the doctrine annotations you might have noticed. The association User pets is OneToMany..
Symfony2 create own encoder for storing password each user. The class User can be auto generated using YAML annotations table should of course contain fields username password salt..
Symfony2 bundle inheritance losing parent bundles routes in here and ran into a problem with routes. I'm using annotations for routing. When I register my child bundle in AppKernel.php.. both of my bundles as active. php symfony2 routing annotations share improve this question I found the right solution for.. also trying to override a parent bundle configured with annotations routing and also found that parent routes were ignored if the..