php Programming Glossary: amount
How to access object properties with names like integers? Object 448364 stdClass Object Data Array 0 Tax amount liability is ....... I want to access the string value in the..
Are global variables in PHP considered bad practice? If so, why? OOP because it makes sense solves a problem reduces the amount of code you need to write or makes it more maintainable and..
Reference: all basic ways to sort arrays and data in PHP and data in PHP Due to the enormous and ever repeating amount of How do I sort my unique snowflake of an array questions this..
What's wrong with using $_REQUEST[]? usually submitted via GET there's the possibility the amount of data you want won't fit in a URL so it has be mutated to..
Truncate a multibyte String to n chars pretty certain this should work with these steps substract amount of chars in terminator from maximum chars validate that string..
Code obfuscator for php? [closed] this question People will offer you obfuscators but no amount of obfuscation can prevent someone from getting at your code...
PHP: Remote file size without downloading file request to a resource that is 100MB will take the same amount of time as a HEAD request to a resource that is 1KB. php Returns..
How to generate all permutations of a string in PHP? j 1 myarray tempStrang But that only returns the same amount combination as the length of the string. Say the input hey the..
What is Output Buffering? developers Turning on output buffering alone decreases the amount of time it takes to download and render our HTML because it's..
how send message facebook friend through graph api using Accessstoken used to be able to do that but the predictable colossal amount of abuse led to the revocation of this ability. Provided Alice..
What kinds of patterns could I enforce on the code to make it easier to translate to another programming language? by explicit definitions of computer languages. The amount of machinery you need to do this well is vast and then you need.. program you already don't understand. That takes a huge amount of effort. At the million line level this is simply impossible..
Is micro-optimization worth the time? that bit of code measuring as you go . Sometimes a small amount of micro optimisation can make a huge difference. But don't..
PHP Math Precision are binary numbers with finite precision there's a finite amount of representable numbers which leads accuracy problems and surprises..
How do you use bcrypt for hashing passwords in PHP? an attack is virtually unfeasible without either ludicrous amount of funds or hardware. bcrypt uses the Eksblowfish algorithm..
How to validate an Email in PHP? the preg family PCRE Regex Functions . There are a small amount of differences reading the Manual should suffice. Update 1 As..
Pretty-Printing JSON with PHP apple b banana c catnip This is great if you have a small amount of data but I'd prefer something along these lines a apple b..
What is the best way to stop people hacking the PHP-based highscore table of a Flash game 999999 . Snapshot game state during game play for instance amount of ammunition position in the level etc which you can later..
JavaScript equivalent of PHP's in_array() return true return false If you are dealing with a sane amount of array elements the above will do the trick nicely. EDIT Whoops...
Is closing the mysql connection important? explicitly calling mysql_close . If your script has a fair amount of processing to perform after fetching the result and has retrieved..
How to create General Ledger/T-Account using PHP Mysql name instead of the code itself and credit_side.amount AS Amount1 SUM credit_side.amount AS TotalAmount1 from credit_side where.. AS Amount1 SUM credit_side.amount AS TotalAmount1 from credit_side where debit_side.transaction_id_dr credit_side.transaction_id_cr.. name instead of the code itself and debit_side.amount AS Amount2 SUM debit_side.amount AS TotalAmount2 from debit_side where..
SQL query for Calculating Total No. of Orders per Day? the total would be 699.98 I need to display Total Order Amount per day in a Chart If it would be easier to do it with PHP do.. UPDATE I would like to clarify that I needed the Total Amount Per Day in the Present Month. I forgot to mention that in my.. i udpated Peter's query to get Total No. of Orders Total Amount per Day in this Month. Please let me know if it needs any correction..
How to make a PHP SOAP call using the SoapClient class data Contact ID Contact Name General Description Amount There are two functions defined in the WSDL document but I only.. ID 100 Contact Name John General Description Barrel of Oil Amount 500 What would be the right syntax I've been trying all sorts..
Generate and email excel file as an attachment - Error message: unable to read file write 0 4 Currency format_bold worksheet write 0 5 Amount format_bold worksheet write 0 6 Balance format_bold sqlza.. worksheet write 1 4 format_bold worksheet write 0 5 Amount worksheet write 1 5 format_bold worksheet write 0 6 Balance..
Monthly Bill Payment Workflow 2 Jones 0.00 Ledger Table Id CustomerId Type Description Amount 1 1 D Services for June '09 1000.00 2 2 D Subscription for Jul..
How do I programmatically apply a coupon in Woocommerce? generate this from the user ID the order ID amount '10' Amount discount_type 'percent' Type fixed_cart percent fixed_product..
Form Validation — A Standard Solution? char or more required Currency is required amount number Amount must be number Now everytime user broke rules above form will..
PHP: find two or more numbers from a list of numbers that add up towards a given amount 56.67 field4 63.54 field5 87.54 .... field20 4.2 Total Amount 81.90 Output field1 fields3 81.90 Some of the fields might have..
php integer and float comparison mismatch round amount2 2 100 if amount1 amount2_in_cents echo Amount amount1 amount2_in_cents n var_dump amount1 var_dump amount2_in_cents.. n var_dump amount1 var_dump amount2_in_cents else echo Amounts matched and this is the output Amount 7299 7299 int 7299 float.. else echo Amounts matched and this is the output Amount 7299 7299 int 7299 float 7299 Now I realise that floats and..
How to convert this XML request into array in php? EffectiveDate 2010 06 12 ExpireDate 2010 06 13 Base Amount 76.00 CurrencyCode EUR RateDescription Adults 1 Availability..
I don't get prices with Amazon Product Advertising API ... Item ... Offers ... Offer ... OfferListing Price Amount 1350 Amount CurrencyCode USD CurrencyCode FormattedPrice 13.50.. Offers ... Offer ... OfferListing Price Amount 1350 Amount CurrencyCode USD CurrencyCode FormattedPrice 13.50 FormattedPrice..
Codeigniter BUG?: Form validation class getting confused with arrays is from database For example Group 1 Description field Amount field Others fields Group 2 Description field Amount field Others.. field Amount field Others fields Group 2 Description field Amount field Others fields Group 3 Description field Amount field Others.. field Amount field Others fields Group 3 Description field Amount field Others fields So in my view I loop the database values..