php Programming Glossary: amounts
Calculating total quantity of equipments for a date range C you will get the wrong result. In other words related amounts for eqId 1 book and for 1 2 6 7 9 scheduleIds are 2 1 1 5 8..
PHP: Storing 'objects' inside the $_SESSION Acting as if pushing the state into nooks and crannies amounts to some kind of theoretical win is just wrong. State is state...
How can I send an email with attachments from a PHP form? needs. The total attachment limit is arbitrary but large amounts may bog down the mail script or be rejected by a sending or..
Is there a limit when using php mail function? which is not very efficient. For the sending of large amounts of email see the » PEAR Mail and » PEAR Mail_Queue packages...
HTML PHP Progress Bar info create_progress Now let's simulate doing some various amounts of work and updating the progress bar as we go. The usleep commands..
Working with large numbers in PHP Decimal2 class for storing and processing currency amounts like USD 100.25 . A lot of mod calculations there w o any problems...
PHP: whats the total length of a post global variable? 8M You'll have to use _POST if you wish to send large amounts of data to the server. For further study I'd suggest checking..
is it a good practice to use mysql_free_result($result)?
Detect base64 encoding in PHP? but base64_decode should be enough unless you have huge amounts of data to test. Naturally any text may look like base64 encoded..
How to save memory when reading a file in Php? be a line but a record with an numeric ID however it amounts to the same thing without having to read the records before..
MySQL to Excel generation using PHP really generating an Excel file. You're generating what amounts to a .csv file using tabs as the seperator. To generate a 'real'..
performance comparision between Zend Lucene and Java Lucene were relatively slow. The indexing process consumed vast amounts of memory and the indexes frequently became corrupted using..
what happens if php.ini is missing? for me php share improve this question PHP has what amounts to a php.ini compiled into it. The php.ini file on the system..
PHP 5.3 and assigning the return value of new by reference other ideas do you recommend to deal with fixing massive amounts of new I suspect this will work just fine but looking for edge..
php integer and float comparison mismatch string but still a lousy option. If you need to work with amounts of money always use the BC Math extension . For rounding with..
Processing large amounts of data in PHP without a browser timeout large amounts of data in PHP without a browser timeout I have array of mobile..
What is the difference between echo('exit'); die; and die('exit');? for the reasons listed above Shorter clearer cleaner which amounts to better in my opinion. The difference between exit and die..
Using PHP $_SESSION variable to store large amonts of data issues on a shared server Can servers cope with large amounts of data stored in the _SESSION variable php session share..
Magento module Fatal error: Class 'Mage_Cashondelivery_Helper_Data' not found in \xampp\htdocs\magento\app\Mage.php on line 516 online protected _canCapture false Can capture partial amounts online protected _canCapturePartial false Can refund online..
Generating ZIP files with PHP + Apache on-the-fly in high speed? younger than that. Will this be enough Will passing large amounts of file data through PHP not be a performance hit in itself..