php Programming Glossary: anchors
PHP: How to resolve a relative url if parse_url rel PHP_URL_SCHEME '' return rel queries and anchors if rel 0 '#' rel 0 ' ' return base. rel parse base URL and convert..
convert url to links from string except if they are in a attribute of a html tag lastly... do you intend not to replace URLs that contain anchors at the end E.g. index.html#section1 If you missed..
Preg Replace / Preg Match for href in html link? html file_get_html 'http ' Find all links anchors html find 'a' count count anchors for i 0 i count i anchors.. ' Find all links anchors html find 'a' count count anchors for i 0 i count i anchors i href 'someLink.html' If you know.. html find 'a' count count anchors for i 0 i count i anchors i href 'someLink.html' If you know the href of the anchor you..
How do I make a simple crawler in PHP? url true dom new DOMDocument '1.0' @ dom loadHTMLFile url anchors dom getElementsByTagName 'a' foreach anchors as element href.. url anchors dom getElementsByTagName 'a' foreach anchors as element href element getAttribute 'href' if 0 strpos href..
HTML Purifier: Removing an element conditionally based on its attributes as per this thread to add target _blank to all anchors. more configuration stuff up here htmlDef htmlPurifierConfiguration..
Extract part from URL for a query string at the end of the URL like standalone 1 . It works for anchors #read more though. Thanks a ton guys and have fun twisting your..
ereg_replace to preg_replace for a particular regex both. For example the ^ and are the same in both denoting anchors to the begining and end of the string. Where they differ in..
Trimming a breadcrumb decide where to cut And how will I be able to preserve the anchors of the elements from being trimmed I'm really stuck on this..
Transfrom relative path into absolute URL using PHP if parse_url rel PHP_URL_SCHEME '' return rel queries and anchors if rel 0 '#' rel 0 ' ' return base. rel parse base URL and convert..
SEO Friendly URL and matches any number. The . means match anything. The ^ anchors to the start of the query and the anchors to the end. slashes.. anything. The ^ anchors to the start of the query and the anchors to the end. slashes are escaped as . share improve this answer..
Style unstyled links with DOM and xpath arg2 as xs string as xs boolean If you want to find all anchors without a style element just use a not @style You are not seeing..
Regular Expression matching for entire string ensure that you are checking the complete string you need anchors. ^ would match the start of the string and the end of the string...
php proDOM parsing error list items rows list item 30 getElementsByTagName 'li' get anchors from the table links list item 30 getElementsByTagName 'a' foreach..
Regex ignore URL already in HTML tags is no href before your pattern. b is a word boundary that anchors the start of your link to a change from a non word to a word..