php Programming Glossary: annotation
how to use imagick annotateImage for chinese text? that when I run the annotateImage using Chinese text I get annotation that looks like 罍 Code included here php image imagick..
Generate Entities with Doctrine into separate namespace php app console doctrine mapping import AcmeBlogBundle annotation php app console doctrine generate entities AcmeBlogBundle I.. php app console doctrine mapping import AcmeBlogBundle annotation em first_manager filter MyTable php app console doctrine generate..
is there a facility for generating scaffolding in a Symfony2 app? follows app console doctrine mapping import AcmeBlogBundle annotation app console doctrine generate entities AcmeBlogBundle This would.. AcmeBlogBundle This would generate the entities with annotations. yml and xml are supported aswell share improve this answer..
Small footprint php framework suggestions around with it. I could go through the code and see the annotation but I haven't found much else for docs. php frameworks share..
How is annotation useful in PHP? is annotation useful in PHP How is annotation useful in PHP and I don't mean.. is annotation useful in PHP How is annotation useful in PHP and I don't mean PHPDoc generically. I just want.. line of specialized PHPDoc. hopeseekr 0 secs ago edit php annotations share improve this question Rob Olmos explained it right..
Code Completion for private/protected member variables when using magic __get() Methods can be achieved by using the @property and @method annotation in the DocBlock of the class not in the Method Docs . @property.. there is no correlation between the actual code and the annotation. Zend Studio will show whatever you set for @property regardless..
Writing/Drawing over a PDF template document in PHP a look at the FPDI Library an add on to FPDF for template annotation. It can also bolt on to TCPDF another popular PHP PDF library...
Doxygen: how to describe class member variables in php? am using an input filter to insert typehints from the @var annotation inline with variable declaration and remove the @var annotation.. inline with variable declaration and remove the @var annotation as it has different meaning in Doxygen. For more info see bug..
Best practice: PHP Magic Methods __set and __get [duplicate] PhpStorm this can be handled with the @property phpdoc annotation but that requires to maintain them quite a pain the documentation..
PHPUnit best practices to organize tests for all tests Or would it be better to use the @group annotation on the specific tests to mark them to be for module1 or module2..
Guice like dependency injection frameworks in PHP [duplicate] you need Constructor injection does not require @Inject annotation Field injection regardless of visibility using @Inject FooBar.. Method injection regardless of visibility requires @Inject annotation Provider injection for fields via @InjectProvider T FooBar for..
Symfony2 bundle inheritance losing parent bundles routes in here and ran into a problem with routes. I'm using annotations for routing. When I register my child bundle in AppKernel.php.. I have ParentBundle resource @Parent Controller type annotation prefix admin which worked fine before the inheritance. I have.. both of my bundles as active. php symfony2 routing annotations share improve this question I found the right solution..
Test PHP headers with PHPunit