jquery Programming Glossary: tolowercase
jQuery/JavaScript: convert pixels to em in a easy way http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10305993/jquery-javascript-convert-pixels-to-em-in-a-easy-way var W window D document if elem elem.parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase 'body' return false else var parentFontSize parseInt W.getComputedStyle..
JS - jQuery inarray ignoreCase() and contains() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11496914/js-jquery-inarray-ignorecase-and-contains not find any reference to that in jQuery nor JS... I tried toLowerCase but It is not working on the array ittirating and also would.. a case insensitive search. You can lowercase a string with toLowerCase as you've already figured out. To do an array you can use..... array you can use... arr arr.map function elem return elem.toLowerCase Part 2 You could check for a substring for example... Assuming..
Extend the bootstrap-typeahead in order to take an object instead of a string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12182799/extend-the-bootstrap-typeahead-in-order-to-take-an-object-instead-of-a-string itemDisplayed item this.options.display if itemDisplayed.toLowerCase .indexOf this.query.toLowerCase beginswith.push item else.. if itemDisplayed.toLowerCase .indexOf this.query.toLowerCase beginswith.push item else if ~itemDisplayed.indexOf this.query.. var value item this.options.display return value ~value.toLowerCase .indexOf this.query.toLowerCase id item.id updater function..
MVC JSON actions returning bool http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3754324/mvc-json-actions-returning-bool it in jquery functions I had all sorts of error mostly toLowerCase function failing. So I had to change the actions in a way that..
CSS selector case insensitive for attributes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5671238/css-selector-case-insensitive-for-attributes ' input name ' .filter function return this.value.toLowerCase 'search' jsFiddle . You could also make a custom selector..... function node stackIndex properties return node.value.toLowerCase properties 3 var searchInputs ' input valueCaseInsensitive Search.. It's a little convoluted syntax such as input value toLowerCase search may have been more intuitive but it works .expr ' ' .attrCaseInsensitive..
jQuery/JavaScript: convert pixels to em in a easy way http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10305993/jquery-javascript-convert-pixels-to-em-in-a-easy-way of the element itself being returned in px function px2em elem var W window D document if elem elem.parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase 'body' return false else var parentFontSize parseInt W.getComputedStyle elem.parentNode null .fontSize 10 elemFontSize parseInt..
JS - jQuery inarray ignoreCase() and contains() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11496914/js-jquery-inarray-ignorecase-and-contains i need something like ignoreCase for array but I could not find any reference to that in jQuery nor JS... I tried toLowerCase but It is not working on the array ittirating and also would it resolve the mixed case 2 How can I make the function to.. your input so indexOf will work like it's performing a case insensitive search. You can lowercase a string with toLowerCase as you've already figured out. To do an array you can use... arr arr.map function elem return elem.toLowerCase Part 2 You.. with toLowerCase as you've already figured out. To do an array you can use... arr arr.map function elem return elem.toLowerCase Part 2 You could check for a substring for example... Assuming you've already transformed the input and array to lowercase...
Extend the bootstrap-typeahead in order to take an object instead of a string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12182799/extend-the-bootstrap-typeahead-in-order-to-take-an-object-instead-of-a-string caseInsensitive item itemDisplayed while item items.shift itemDisplayed item this.options.display if itemDisplayed.toLowerCase .indexOf this.query.toLowerCase beginswith.push item else if ~itemDisplayed.indexOf this.query caseSensitive.push item.. while item items.shift itemDisplayed item this.options.display if itemDisplayed.toLowerCase .indexOf this.query.toLowerCase beginswith.push item else if ~itemDisplayed.indexOf this.query caseSensitive.push item else caseInsensitive.push item.. return ' strong ' match ' strong ' matcher function item var value item this.options.display return value ~value.toLowerCase .indexOf this.query.toLowerCase id item.id updater function item userId options.hiddenInputElement.val userId return..
MVC JSON actions returning bool http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3754324/mvc-json-actions-returning-bool is of type bool I had problems with this because when using it in jquery functions I had all sorts of error mostly toLowerCase function failing. So I had to change the actions in a way that they return bool as string calling ToString on bool values..
CSS selector case insensitive for attributes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5671238/css-selector-case-insensitive-for-attributes selectors case insensitive selenium2 share improve this question ' input name ' .filter function return this.value.toLowerCase 'search' jsFiddle . You could also make a custom selector... .expr ' ' .valueCaseInsensitive function node stackIndex properties.. also make a custom selector... .expr ' ' .valueCaseInsensitive function node stackIndex properties return node.value.toLowerCase properties 3 var searchInputs ' input valueCaseInsensitive Search ' jsFiddle . The custom selector is a bit of overkill.. selector for any attribute Sure check out the following example. It's a little convoluted syntax such as input value toLowerCase search may have been more intuitive but it works .expr ' ' .attrCaseInsensitive function node stackIndex properties var..