jquery Programming Glossary: tolerance
jQuery UI sortable tolerance option not working as expected http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10637095/jquery-ui-sortable-tolerance-option-not-working-as-expected UI sortable tolerance option not working as expected Here is the part from jQuery.. Here is the part from jQuery UI documentation for the tolerance option This is the way the reordering behaves during drag. Possible..
Automatically scroll droppable div whilst dragging http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10986159/automatically-scroll-droppable-div-whilst-dragging connectWith .connected items .myDivs not .excludeThisCss tolerance 'pointer' revert 'invalid' forceHelperSize true .on 'scroll'..
how to use jquery with primefaces http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11112058/how-to-use-jquery-with-primefaces the slider delay 300 the delay of the touch drag tween tolerance 0.25 the tolerance of the touch drag enableDrag true enable.. 300 the delay of the touch drag tween tolerance 0.25 the tolerance of the touch drag enableDrag true enable or disable the drag..
Restrict jQuery draggable items from overlapping/colliding with sibling elements http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11452185/restrict-jquery-draggable-items-from-overlapping-colliding-with-sibling-elements
Using jQuery UI drag-and-drop: changing the dragged element on drop http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1162487/using-jquery-ui-drag-and-drop-changing-the-dragged-element-on-drop top 0 left 0 placeholder 'ui sortable placeholder' tolerance 'pointer' stop function event ui if ui.item.hasClass elemtxt..
fullcalendar multiple cell select on mobile device? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12244105/fullcalendar-multiple-cell-select-on-mobile-device 'entrystamp' class icon element.droppable accept ' ' tolerance 'touch' activeClass 'ui state hover' hoverClass 'ui state..
Change position of divs with jquery drag an drop http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15343385/change-position-of-divs-with-jquery-drag-an-drop revert invalid .dropzones .droppable drop handleDropEvent tolerance touch function handleDragStart event ui function handleDropEvent.. revert invalid .dropzones .droppable drop handleDropEvent tolerance touch function handleDragStart event ui function handleDropEvent..
jQuery Sortable List - scroll bar jumps up when sorting http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1735372/jquery-sortable-list-scroll-bar-jumps-up-when-sorting handle 'img.moveHandle' opacity 0.6 cursor 'move' tolerance 'pointer' forcePlaceholderSize true update function jQuery..
jQuery unexpected sortable behaviour http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1789169/jquery-unexpected-sortable-behaviour ul.list .sortable opacity 0.7 helper 'clone' cursor 'move' tolerance 'pointer' ul.list .selectable ul.list .disableSelection script..
Checking if browser is in fullscreen [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2863351/checking-if-browser-is-in-fullscreen is not sufficient for FF. In Chrome I can set a small tolerance but in FF the urlbar and tabs takes a while to disappear which..
Loading content with ajax while scrolling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3283669/loading-content-with-ajax-while-scrolling When the user scrolls... window .scroll function var tolerance 800 scrollTop window .scrollTop If the the distance to the top.. If the the distance to the top is greater than the tolerance... if scrollTop tolerance Do something. Ajax Call Animations.. to the top is greater than the tolerance... if scrollTop tolerance Do something. Ajax Call Animations whatever. That should do..
Draggable revert if outside this div and inside of other draggables (using both invalid and valid revert options) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6071409/draggable-revert-if-outside-this-div-and-inside-of-other-draggables-using-both are dragged inside the big box which in my example uses tolerance 'fit' so the small boxes must be completely inside to be accepted... I have made the small boxes greedy droppables with tolerance 'touch' so if the dragged small box touches another small box.. background color white Javascript '.drop' .droppable tolerance 'fit' '.drag' .draggable revert 'invalid' stop function this..
jQuery UI sortable tolerance option not working as expected http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10637095/jquery-ui-sortable-tolerance-option-not-working-as-expected UI sortable tolerance option not working as expected Here is the part from jQuery UI documentation for the tolerance option This is the way the.. UI sortable tolerance option not working as expected Here is the part from jQuery UI documentation for the tolerance option This is the way the reordering behaves during drag. Possible values 'intersect' 'pointer'. In some setups 'pointer'..
Automatically scroll droppable div whilst dragging http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10986159/automatically-scroll-droppable-div-whilst-dragging reference to scroll . code var sortlists .connected .sortable connectWith .connected items .myDivs not .excludeThisCss tolerance 'pointer' revert 'invalid' forceHelperSize true .on 'scroll' function sortlists.scrollTop this .scrollTop .disableSelection..
how to use jquery with primefaces http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11112058/how-to-use-jquery-with-primefaces style width 990 width of the slider height 397 height of the slider delay 300 the delay of the touch drag tween tolerance 0.25 the tolerance of the touch drag enableDrag true enable or disable the drag function by mouse showArrow false display.. width of the slider height 397 height of the slider delay 300 the delay of the touch drag tween tolerance 0.25 the tolerance of the touch drag enableDrag true enable or disable the drag function by mouse showArrow false display the previous next..
Restrict jQuery draggable items from overlapping/colliding with sibling elements http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11452185/restrict-jquery-draggable-items-from-overlapping-colliding-with-sibling-elements
Using jQuery UI drag-and-drop: changing the dragged element on drop http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1162487/using-jquery-ui-drag-and-drop-changing-the-dragged-element-on-drop .column .sortable connectWith '.column' cursor 'move' cursorAt top 0 left 0 placeholder 'ui sortable placeholder' tolerance 'pointer' stop function event ui if ui.item.hasClass elemtxt ui.item.replaceWith ' div class element element txt This text..
fullcalendar multiple cell select on mobile device? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12244105/fullcalendar-multiple-cell-select-on-mobile-device ginux 16 richtext.png onclick javascript iconsAlert this.id 'entrystamp' class icon element.droppable accept ' ' tolerance 'touch' activeClass 'ui state hover' hoverClass 'ui state active' drop function ev ui console.log ev.id alert this.id..
Change position of divs with jquery drag an drop http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15343385/change-position-of-divs-with-jquery-drag-an-drop .dragzones .draggable start handleDragStart cursor 'move' revert invalid .dropzones .droppable drop handleDropEvent tolerance touch function handleDragStart event ui function handleDropEvent event ui this .droppable 'disable' ui.draggable.position.. .dragzones .draggable start handleDragStart cursor 'move' revert invalid .dropzones .droppable drop handleDropEvent tolerance touch function handleDragStart event ui function handleDropEvent event ui if ui.draggable.element undefined ui.draggable.element.droppable..
jQuery Sortable List - scroll bar jumps up when sorting http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1735372/jquery-sortable-list-scroll-bar-jumps-up-when-sorting jQuery document .ready function jQuery div#todoList .sortable handle 'img.moveHandle' opacity 0.6 cursor 'move' tolerance 'pointer' forcePlaceholderSize true update function jQuery body .css 'cursor' 'progress' var order jQuery this .sortable..
jQuery unexpected sortable behaviour http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1789169/jquery-unexpected-sortable-behaviour script script type text javascript function ul.list .sortable opacity 0.7 helper 'clone' cursor 'move' tolerance 'pointer' ul.list .selectable ul.list .disableSelection script style type text css ul.list list style none padding none..
Checking if browser is in fullscreen [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2863351/checking-if-browser-is-in-fullscreen is pretty good but my comment Thanks a lot but this answer is not sufficient for FF. In Chrome I can set a small tolerance but in FF the urlbar and tabs takes a while to disappear which means after pressing f11 the detected window.innerWidth is..
Loading content with ajax while scrolling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3283669/loading-content-with-ajax-while-scrolling following way When the DOM is ready... document .ready function When the user scrolls... window .scroll function var tolerance 800 scrollTop window .scrollTop If the the distance to the top is greater than the tolerance... if scrollTop tolerance .. .scroll function var tolerance 800 scrollTop window .scrollTop If the the distance to the top is greater than the tolerance... if scrollTop tolerance Do something. Ajax Call Animations whatever. That should do the trick. EDIT Because you're not.. tolerance 800 scrollTop window .scrollTop If the the distance to the top is greater than the tolerance... if scrollTop tolerance Do something. Ajax Call Animations whatever. That should do the trick. EDIT Because you're not using the native scroll..
Draggable revert if outside this div and inside of other draggables (using both invalid and valid revert options) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6071409/draggable-revert-if-outside-this-div-and-inside-of-other-draggables-using-both as revert 'invalid' . You don't have to do anything if they are dragged inside the big box which in my example uses tolerance 'fit' so the small boxes must be completely inside to be accepted. I have made the small boxes greedy droppables with tolerance.. 'fit' so the small boxes must be completely inside to be accepted. I have made the small boxes greedy droppables with tolerance 'touch' so if the dragged small box touches another small box it will call the drag handler on it. To cancel the drag operation.. inline block width 30px height 30px border 1px solid silver background color white Javascript '.drop' .droppable tolerance 'fit' '.drag' .draggable revert 'invalid' stop function this .draggable 'option' 'revert' 'invalid' '.drag' .droppable..