jquery Programming Glossary: toolbox
JQuery click event works only once http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10194728/jquery-click-event-works-only-once .css 'width' canvas_width 'px' script style #canvas #toolbox float left height 124px margin 25px padding 5px width 124px.. height 50px margin 5px width 50px style head body div id toolbox div div div div div div div div div div id canvas div class..
AngularJs and AddThis social plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15593039/angularjs-and-addthis-social-plugin p br br AddThis Button BEGIN div class addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style addthis_32x32_style a class addthis_button_facebook.. created the simple AngularJS directive to refresh AddThis toolbox defined inside the dynamically included partial angular.module.. 381263 addthis client api#configuration url 2. add addthis toolbox directive to a widget's toolbox div div addthis toolbox class..
jQuery plugin design pattern (common practice?) for dealing with private functions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2061501/jquery-plugin-design-pattern-common-practice-for-dealing-with-private-functio should print 'true' This way the P stands for your own toolbox of private functions. They won't be available anywhere else..
Is there only Ajax part of jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4132163/is-there-only-ajax-part-of-jquery stand alone Ajax libraries around like Matt Kruse's Ajax toolbox maybe that helps. I would consider loading the full jQuery library...
Backbone.js and jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9715295/backbone-js-and-jquery used for single page applications. So while jQuery is a toolbox that can be used with any webpage Backbone is meant for a specific..
JQuery click event works only once http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10194728/jquery-click-event-works-only-once '#canvas' .append ' div class blank div ' '#canvas' .css 'width' canvas_width 'px' script style #canvas #toolbox float left height 124px margin 25px padding 5px width 124px .blank background color gray .start background color green .object.. body div border 1px solid black body div div float left height 50px margin 5px width 50px style head body div id toolbox div div div div div div div div div div id canvas div class start div div class option div div class blank div div class..
AngularJs and AddThis social plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15593039/angularjs-and-addthis-social-plugin div class ad col p ng bind html unsafe homeContent.promo.entradilla p br br AddThis Button BEGIN div class addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style addthis_32x32_style a class addthis_button_facebook a a class addthis_button_twitter a a class addthis_button_linkedin.. angularjs addthis share improve this question I have created the simple AngularJS directive to refresh AddThis toolbox defined inside the dynamically included partial angular.module 'Directive.AddThis' AddThis widget directive Usage 1. include.. 1 script http support.addthis.com customer portal articles 381263 addthis client api#configuration url 2. add addthis toolbox directive to a widget's toolbox div div addthis toolbox class addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style addthis_32x32_style..
jQuery plugin design pattern (common practice?) for dealing with private functions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2061501/jquery-plugin-design-pattern-common-practice-for-dealing-with-private-functio '.bar' .myotherplugin console.log typeof P 'undefined' should print 'true' This way the P stands for your own toolbox of private functions. They won't be available anywhere else in the code or in the jQuery namespace unless you attach them..
Is there only Ajax part of jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4132163/is-there-only-ajax-part-of-jquery with the rest of the functionality. There are a few other stand alone Ajax libraries around like Matt Kruse's Ajax toolbox maybe that helps. I would consider loading the full jQuery library. If you link to jQuery on a CDN loading times will be..
Backbone.js and jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9715295/backbone-js-and-jquery share improve this question Backbone Knockout is typically used for single page applications. So while jQuery is a toolbox that can be used with any webpage Backbone is meant for a specific type of application and helps you organize your code..