

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:09:31

jquery Programming Glossary: togglepaneswrapper.children

jQuery cancelling and resetting slide animations


IDtoShow the next 3 lines are my attempted 'fix' if togglePanesWrapper.children '.togglePane' .is animated togglePanesWrapper.children '.togglePane'.. if togglePanesWrapper.children '.togglePane' .is animated togglePanesWrapper.children '.togglePane' .hide .stop togglePanesWrapper.children '.togglePane'.. togglePanesWrapper.children '.togglePane' .hide .stop togglePanesWrapper.children '.togglePane' .not IDtoShow .slideUp 'fast' function great fix..

jQuery cancelling and resetting slide animations


0 var IDtoShow '#' this.className.match toggle . b var IDtoShow IDtoShow the next 3 lines are my attempted 'fix' if togglePanesWrapper.children '.togglePane' .is animated togglePanesWrapper.children '.togglePane' .hide .stop togglePanesWrapper.children '.togglePane'.. IDtoShow IDtoShow the next 3 lines are my attempted 'fix' if togglePanesWrapper.children '.togglePane' .is animated togglePanesWrapper.children '.togglePane' .hide .stop togglePanesWrapper.children '.togglePane' .not IDtoShow .slideUp 'fast' function great fix for.. 'fix' if togglePanesWrapper.children '.togglePane' .is animated togglePanesWrapper.children '.togglePane' .hide .stop togglePanesWrapper.children '.togglePane' .not IDtoShow .slideUp 'fast' function great fix for dealing with multiple animations as found here http www.gmarwaha.com..