jquery Programming Glossary: tojson
serialize/unserialize in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1352214/serialize-unserialize-in-jquery var thing plugin 'jquery json' version 2.2 var encoded .toJSON thing ' plugin jquery json version 2.2 ' var name .evalJSON.. exposes four new functions onto the or jQuery object toJSON Serializes a javascript object number string or arry into JSON...
How to update a JSON Object that is represented in a form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17221278/how-to-update-a-json-object-that-is-represented-in-a-form
Recursive function jquery with backbone http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17417589/recursive-function-jquery-with-backbone parse true delete response.rooms return response toJSON function var json _.clone this.attributes json.rooms this.rooms.toJSON.. var json _.clone this.attributes json.rooms this.rooms.toJSON return json addRoom function rooms options return this.rooms.add.. return this.map function hotel return _.extend hotel.toJSON combinations hotel.getCombinations RoomCollection Backbone.Collection.extend..
“How” to save an entire collection in Backbone.js - Backbone.sync or jQuery.ajax? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6879138/how-to-save-an-entire-collection-in-backbone-js-backbone-sync-or-jquery-ajax may have nested collections. I have overridden the toJSON method of the parent collection and I am getting a valid JSON.. the collection in another Backbone.Model and override the toJSON method on that. Then Backbone.js will treat the model as a single.. thinks too much. Note that Backbone.Collection has a toJSON method so most of your work is done for you. You just have to..
Send JSON data via POST (ajax) and receive json response from Controller (MVC) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8517071/send-json-data-via-post-ajax-and-receive-json-response-from-controller-mvc jquery.json 2.3.min.js script file and I used it for toJSON array method. In controller I have this Add action HttpPost..
serialize/unserialize in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1352214/serialize-unserialize-in-jquery json This plugin makes it simple to convert to and from JSON var thing plugin 'jquery json' version 2.2 var encoded .toJSON thing ' plugin jquery json version 2.2 ' var name .evalJSON encoded .plugin jquery json var version .evalJSON encoded .version.. converting to JSON is supposedly an edge requirement. This plugin exposes four new functions onto the or jQuery object toJSON Serializes a javascript object number string or arry into JSON. evalJSON Converts from JSON to Javascript quickly and is..
How to update a JSON Object that is represented in a form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17221278/how-to-update-a-json-object-that-is-represented-in-a-form
Recursive function jquery with backbone http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17417589/recursive-function-jquery-with-backbone _.has response rooms this.rooms new RoomCollection response.rooms parse true delete response.rooms return response toJSON function var json _.clone this.attributes json.rooms this.rooms.toJSON return json addRoom function rooms options return.. true delete response.rooms return response toJSON function var json _.clone this.attributes json.rooms this.rooms.toJSON return json addRoom function rooms options return this.rooms.add rooms options removeRoom function rooms options return.. model HotelModel getAllCombinations function return this.map function hotel return _.extend hotel.toJSON combinations hotel.getCombinations RoomCollection Backbone.Collection.extend model RoomModel getRoomsByHotelId function..
“How” to save an entire collection in Backbone.js - Backbone.sync or jQuery.ajax? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6879138/how-to-save-an-entire-collection-in-backbone-js-backbone-sync-or-jquery-ajax explanation Say I have a collection of models the models themselves may have nested collections. I have overridden the toJSON method of the parent collection and I am getting a valid JSON object. I wish to save the entire collection corresponding.. the method on save method on Backbone.Collection but wrap the collection in another Backbone.Model and override the toJSON method on that. Then Backbone.js will treat the model as a single resource and you don't have to hack the way backone thinks.. as a single resource and you don't have to hack the way backone thinks too much. Note that Backbone.Collection has a toJSON method so most of your work is done for you. You just have to proxy the toJSON method of your wrapper Backbone.Model to..
Send JSON data via POST (ajax) and receive json response from Controller (MVC) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8517071/send-json-data-via-post-ajax-and-receive-json-response-from-controller-mvc true else alert Cannot add to list data sendInfo I called jquery.json 2.3.min.js script file and I used it for toJSON array method. In controller I have this Add action HttpPost public ActionResult Add PersonSheets sendInfo bool success _addSomethingInList.AddNewSomething..