

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:08:59

jquery Programming Glossary: starting

Unexpected Caching of AJAX results in IE8


by going to www.wikipediamaze.com and then logging in and starting a new puzzle. In every browser I've tested Google Chrome Firefox..

Code for a simple JavaScript countdown timer? [closed]


timer closed I want to use a simple countdown timer starting at 30 seconds from when the function is run and ending at 0...

Difference of the value, prototype and property


do all this for being fool proof but their code is a mess starting with that object literal and assigning the init prototype things..

jQuery pitfalls to avoid [closed]


pitfalls to avoid closed I am starting a project with jQuery. What pitfalls errors misconceptions abuses..

How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background?


the ground up with your architecture in mind. Instead of starting by thinking I have this piece of the DOM and I want to make.. and controllers. This is really tempting when you're just starting out which is why I always recommend that new AngularJS developers..

jQueryUI: how can I custom-format the Autocomplete plug-in results?


style 'font weight bold color Blue ' span In other words starting from the original code above you just need to replace this.term..

What does (function($) {})(jQuery); mean?


does function jQuery mean I am just starting out with writing jQuery plugins. I wrote three small plugins..

Why does Chrome ignore local jQuery cookies?


with Chrome. If I put my code on a web server address starting with http it works with Chrome. So the cookie fails only for..

resize font to fit in a div (on one line)


as your title's then copy your text to it and set some starting font size. Then you can iterate through your while loop and.. the number of iterations considerably by doing this Set a starting font size. get test DIV's width. calculate width factor between..

Javascript/jquery to download file via POST with JSON data


messages etc. and I can act on that information before starting the download. The downside is extra file management on the server...

jQuery Sortable - Select and Drag Multiple List Items


object this works because the position is relative to the starting position '.' selectedClass .css top ui.position.top left..

jqGrid does not populate with data


from the server. In the case jqGrid use integer counter starting with 1 as the row ids. If you decide to include editing features..

Multiple search with multiplefields by default


. So if you initialize the postData you can receive a good starting point. See on the demo . You will see UPDATE In another answer..

Unexpected token ILLEGAL in webkit


500 Slide transition speed pauseTime 3000 startSlide 0 Set starting Slide 0 index directionNav true Next Prev directionNavHide true..

Wildcards in jQuery selectors


share improve this question To get all the elements starting with jander you should use id^ jander To get those that end..

$(document).ready(function(){}); vs script at the bottom of page


largely displayed you increase the possibility of the user starting to interact with the page before your script is loaded. That's..

jqGrid resolve the grid pager ID dynamically?


to create the grid. Other standard buttons have the ids starting with the following prefixes 'edit_' 'view_' 'del_' 'search_'..

How to scroll the window using JQuery $.scrollTo() function


it and only the first alert goes off here's the code alert starting .scrollTo top ' 100px' left ' 0px' 800 alert finished I know..

how to get a div to randomly move around a page (using jQuery or CSS)


player's home screen where DVD is just floating around. Starting point of the div doesn't matter nor does the ending point. It..

Learning JavaScript… Should I skip straight to the good stuff (the frameworks)?


jquery gwt frameworks share improve this question Starting with the basics of JavaScript is a good idea IMHO. Read JavaScript..

What CSS3 selectors does jQuery really support, e.g. :nth-last-child()?


it borrows from CSS 1 and then adds its own selectors. 1 Starting from jQuery 1.9 virtually all selectors in the level 3 standard..

How to make Jqgrid frozen column word-wrap


. jquery jqgrid word wrap share improve this question Starting with version 4.3.2 jqGrid supports Events which allows to register..

Recording and storing high-res hand drawing


or mouse movements of the user drawing on a certain area. Starting a bounty out of curiosity whether anything has changed during..

jQuery wrap code after x number of elements


a UL and another LI after every 5 of the original LIs. Starting HTML ul id original_ul li class original_li .. li li .. li li..

jquery ui autocomplete with database


Name6 Can anyone tell me where I am going wrong please Starting to get quite frustrated. The input box just turns white and..

JSON and jqGrid. What is “userdata”?


jqgridwiki doku.php id wiki retrieving_data#user_data . Starting with the version 3.5 of jqGrid it is possible to place an additional..

jqGrid - rowObject inconsistencies?


new local sorting paging and filtering searching features. Starting with jqGrid version 3.7 the loadonce true option allows you..

Adding/removing items from JSON data with JQuery


2 0 id 7 name Douglas Adams type comedy What that says is Starting at index 2 remove zero items and then insert this following.. comedy id 8 name Dick Francis type mystery ...which means Starting at index 1 remove three entries then add these two entries...

jQuery's .getJSON using local files stopped working on Firefox 3.6.13


local disk can read any other file on your local disk. Starting in Gecko 1.9 files are allowed to read only certain other files...

jQuery Deferred not working


dfr.resolve return dfr.promise Test start function alert Starting function gotresults data alert data.max_id function showDiv.. .then gotresults .then showDiv it just alerts Starting and terminates.A working example can be found at http jsfiddle.net.. ' div ' .html Results b NOT b received .appendTo 'body' Starting can be done with a click #searchTwitter .click function searchTwitter..

How to make hyperlinks in dynaTree jQuery plugin clickable?


node.data.href node.data.target #div .load node.data.href Starting with release 1.1.2 Dynatree will use href and target attributes..

QUnit with Ajax, QUnit passes the failing tests


ajax unit testing qunit share improve this question Starting and stopping using the QUnit library seems to be working test..

How to close cell-editor?


false cellDOM .removeClass ui state highlight UPDATED 3 Starting with jQuery 1.8 one should use ._data cellInput 0 'events' instead..

Unexpected Caching of AJAX results in IE8


just injects header info into the page. You can check it out by going to www.wikipediamaze.com and then logging in and starting a new puzzle. In every browser I've tested Google Chrome Firefox Safari Internet Explorer it works great except in IE. Eveything..

Code for a simple JavaScript countdown timer? [closed]


for a simple JavaScript countdown timer closed I want to use a simple countdown timer starting at 30 seconds from when the function is run and ending at 0. No milliseconds. How can it be coded jquery timer counter..

Difference of the value, prototype and property


jQuery pitfalls to avoid [closed]


pitfalls to avoid closed I am starting a project with jQuery. What pitfalls errors misconceptions abuses misuses did you have in your jQuery project javascript..

How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background?


that simple premise. But in AngularJS you must start from the ground up with your architecture in mind. Instead of starting by thinking I have this piece of the DOM and I want to make it do X you have to start with what you want to accomplish then.. Y and Z so I'll just add AngularJS on top of that for models and controllers. This is really tempting when you're just starting out which is why I always recommend that new AngularJS developers don't use jQuery at all at least until they get used to..

jQueryUI: how can I custom-format the Autocomplete plug-in results?


characters use this line var t item.label.replace re span style 'font weight bold color Blue ' span In other words starting from the original code above you just need to replace this.term with . EDIT The above changes every autocomplete widget..

What does (function($) {})(jQuery); mean?


does function jQuery mean I am just starting out with writing jQuery plugins. I wrote three small plugins but I have been simply copying the line into all my plugins..

Why does Chrome ignore local jQuery cookies?


cookievalue path expires 30 What I know The plugin's demo works with Chrome. If I put my code on a web server address starting with http it works with Chrome. So the cookie fails only for Google Chrome on local files . Possible causes Google Chrome..

resize font to fit in a div (on one line)


absolute visibility hidden whitespace nowrap font family same as your title's then copy your text to it and set some starting font size. Then you can iterate through your while loop and stop when div's width is appropriate. Then set calculated font.. optimization You could optimize your while loop to decrease the number of iterations considerably by doing this Set a starting font size. get test DIV's width. calculate width factor between orig_div and test_div. adjust font size by this factor rather..

Javascript/jquery to download file via POST with JSON data


back about the request time to generate size of file error messages etc. and I can act on that information before starting the download. The downside is extra file management on the server. Any other ways to accomplish this Any pros cons to these..

jQuery Sortable - Select and Drag Multiple List Items


function e ui set selected group position to main dragged object this works because the position is relative to the starting position '.' selectedClass .css top ui.position.top left ui.position.left #droppable #draggable .sortable .droppable..

jqGrid does not populate with data


data without data editing I included no id in the data send from the server. In the case jqGrid use integer counter starting with 1 as the row ids. If you decide to include editing features in the grid you will have to include as id in the data...

Multiple search with multiplefields by default


empty is that both use filters parameters of the postData . So if you initialize the postData you can receive a good starting point. See on the demo . You will see UPDATE In another answer you will find how to delete the last line of the searching..

Unexpected token ILLEGAL in webkit


Specify sets like 'fold fade sliceDown' slices 15 animSpeed 500 Slide transition speed pauseTime 3000 startSlide 0 Set starting Slide 0 index directionNav true Next Prev directionNavHide true Only show on hover controlNav false 1 2 3... keyboardNav..

Wildcards in jQuery selectors


jander1 div div id jander2 div jquery jquery selectors sizzle share improve this question To get all the elements starting with jander you should use id^ jander To get those that end with jander id jander See also the JQuery documentation share..

$(document).ready(function(){}); vs script at the bottom of page


with. By moving the download time to after the page is largely displayed you increase the possibility of the user starting to interact with the page before your script is loaded. That's one of the counter arguments to putting the script tag at..

jqGrid resolve the grid pager ID dynamically?


part of the id add_list is the id of the table element used to create the grid. Other standard buttons have the ids starting with the following prefixes 'edit_' 'view_' 'del_' 'search_' 'refresh_' . More common code which works if the id of the..

How to scroll the window using JQuery $.scrollTo() function


to see if it actually was the line or not that was stopping it and only the first alert goes off here's the code alert starting .scrollTo top ' 100px' left ' 0px' 800 alert finished I know I have the jquery page linked properly because I'm using many..

how to get a div to randomly move around a page (using jQuery or CSS)


move around the page. Much like the background of a DVD player's home screen where DVD is just floating around. Starting point of the div doesn't matter nor does the ending point. It just needs to randomly move around the page for the duration..

Learning JavaScript… Should I skip straight to the good stuff (the frameworks)?


that's worth going straight to along with gQuery javascript jquery gwt frameworks share improve this question Starting with the basics of JavaScript is a good idea IMHO. Read JavaScript The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford . Very very good..

What CSS3 selectors does jQuery really support, e.g. :nth-last-child()?


spec. In its own Selectors documentation it clarifies that it borrows from CSS 1 and then adds its own selectors. 1 Starting from jQuery 1.9 virtually all selectors in the level 3 standard are supported by Sizzle its underlying selector library..

How to make Jqgrid frozen column word-wrap


variabel. var grid this.grid this Here is the image link . jquery jqgrid word wrap share improve this question Starting with version 4.3.2 jqGrid supports Events which allows to register multiple callbacks event handler . Old internal callbacks..

Recording and storing high-res hand drawing


for. I am looking for something that records the actual pen or mouse movements of the user drawing on a certain area. Starting a bounty out of curiosity whether anything has changed during the time since this question was asked. javascript jquery..

jQuery wrap code after x number of elements


some jQuery code that will parse the original UL and wrap a UL and another LI after every 5 of the original LIs. Starting HTML ul id original_ul li class original_li .. li li .. li li .. li li .. li li .. li li .. li li .. li li .. li li .. li..

jquery ui autocomplete with database


Name4 user_id 6 user_login_name Name5 user_id 7 user_login_name Name6 Can anyone tell me where I am going wrong please Starting to get quite frustrated. The input box just turns white and no options are shown. The code does work if I specify an array..

JSON and jqGrid. What is “userdata”?


grid_id .getGridParam 'userData' see http www.trirand.com jqgridwiki doku.php id wiki retrieving_data#user_data . Starting with the version 3.5 of jqGrid it is possible to place an additional last row in the jqGrid which could play Summary Footer..

jqGrid - rowObject inconsistencies?


before the introducing in the version 3.7 of jqGrid the new local sorting paging and filtering searching features. Starting with jqGrid version 3.7 the loadonce true option allows you to have a mix between the remote data which you have at the..

Adding/removing items from JSON data with JQuery


add an item in the 3rd position like this data.items.splice 2 0 id 7 name Douglas Adams type comedy What that says is Starting at index 2 remove zero items and then insert this following item. The result looks like this var data items id 1 name Snatch.. at once data.items.splice 1 3 id 7 name Douglas Adams type comedy id 8 name Dick Francis type mystery ...which means Starting at index 1 remove three entries then add these two entries. Which results in var data items id 1 name Snatch type crime..

jQuery's .getJSON using local files stopped working on Firefox 3.6.13


to be same origin. In other words any HTML file on your local disk can read any other file on your local disk. Starting in Gecko 1.9 files are allowed to read only certain other files. Specifically a file can read another file only if the parent..

jQuery Deferred not working


search.json data q query dataType 'jsonp' success dfr.resolve return dfr.promise Test start function alert Starting function gotresults data alert data.max_id function showDiv ' div ' .html Results received .appendTo 'body' .when search.. However when I write it as Test.start .then search 'ashishnjain' .then gotresults .then showDiv it just alerts Starting and terminates.A working example can be found at http jsfiddle.net XQFyq 2 . What am I doing wrong javascript jquery ajax.. ' .html Results received .appendTo 'body' function showFailDiv ' div ' .html Results b NOT b received .appendTo 'body' Starting can be done with a click #searchTwitter .click function searchTwitter #searchName .val OR a static call searchTwitter ashishnjain..

How to make hyperlinks in dynaTree jQuery plugin clickable?


attributes window.location.href node.data.href window.open node.data.href node.data.target #div .load node.data.href Starting with release 1.1.2 Dynatree will use href and target attributes directly from the a tag li id x a href b Child node 1 2..

QUnit with Ajax, QUnit passes the failing tests


function response callback response javascript jquery ajax unit testing qunit share improve this question Starting and stopping using the QUnit library seems to be working test to check if the persons are returned test getPersons function..

How to close cell-editor?


iRow iCol true this.jqGrid 'setGridParam' cellEdit false cellDOM .removeClass ui state highlight UPDATED 3 Starting with jQuery 1.8 one should use ._data cellInput 0 'events' instead of cellInput.data 'events' to get the list of all events..