

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:08:59

jquery Programming Glossary: stat

how do I trigger fancybox gallery with dynamic content


var url gallery.htm '#content' .load url function data stat req a.lightbox .fancybox Thank you jquery fancybox fancybox.. var url gallery.htm '#content' .load url function data stat req .lightbox .eq 0 .trigger click load this .remove you may..

How can I hide the jqgrid completely when no data returned?


data postdata dataType xml complete function xmldata stat if stat success var thegrid #list 0 thegrid.addXmlData xmldata.responseXML.. postdata dataType xml complete function xmldata stat if stat success var thegrid #list 0 thegrid.addXmlData xmldata.responseXML..

how to load json in jqgrid


ele.data.field dataType json complete function jsondata stat if stat success here i am loading the json data as response.. dataType json complete function jsondata stat if stat success here i am loading the json data as response from server.. private String issue_description private String issue_status private String assigned_to Problem scenario first time when..

Using jQuery to parse XML returned from PHP script (imgur.com API)


following XML format xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 rsp stat ok image_hash cxmHM image_hash delete_hash NNy6VNpiAA delete_hash..

JQGrid: Loading data into the footer row


userdata price 1240.00 If you use another jsonReader all stat unchanged. The only which you can define is to change userdata..

Using fancybox in an AJAX loaded page


JqGrid addJSONData + ASP.NET 2.0 WS


json charset utf 8 complete function jsondata stat if stat success var clearJson jsondata.responseText.. charset utf 8 complete function jsondata stat if stat success var clearJson jsondata.responseText ..

jQuery AJAX producing 304 responses when it shouldn't


occurred deleting the attachment.' error function res stat alert res.toString alert stat.toString return false else.. error function res stat alert res.toString alert stat.toString return false else return false showGlobalMessage.. Anyone see what I missed Thank you. jquery ajax http status code 304 share improve this question I cannot see you..

Load Google Analytics from jQuery document ready?


My questions are 1 Will moving the GA code break their stat tracking in any way And 2 Do I need to emulate their use of..

how do I trigger fancybox gallery with dynamic content


'click' function e e.preventDefault var url this .attr 'href' var url gallery.htm '#content' .load url function data stat req a.lightbox .fancybox Thank you jquery fancybox fancybox 2 share improve this question Basically you would need.. gallery '.loadGallery' .on 'click' function e e.preventDefault var url gallery.htm '#content' .load url function data stat req .lightbox .eq 0 .trigger click load this .remove you may remove the selector loadGallery after loading the thumbnails..

How can I hide the jqgrid completely when no data returned?


jQuery.ajax url 'Service JQGridTest.asmx AssetSearchXml' data postdata dataType xml complete function xmldata stat if stat success var thegrid #list 0 thegrid.addXmlData xmldata.responseXML var recs #list .getGridParam records if.. url 'Service JQGridTest.asmx AssetSearchXml' data postdata dataType xml complete function xmldata stat if stat success var thegrid #list 0 thegrid.addXmlData xmldata.responseXML var recs #list .getGridParam records if recs 0 ..

how to load json in jqgrid


url adminJsontable searchString selectedOption searchField ele.data.field dataType json complete function jsondata stat if stat success here i am loading the json data as response from server jQuery #gridtable 0 .addJSONData jsondata json.. searchString selectedOption searchField ele.data.field dataType json complete function jsondata stat if stat success here i am loading the json data as response from server jQuery #gridtable 0 .addJSONData jsondata json data.. String issue_id getters setters private String issue_raised_date private String issue_description private String issue_status private String assigned_to Problem scenario first time when jqgrid loaded it just works awesome It is loaded by the same..

Using jQuery to parse XML returned from PHP script (imgur.com API)


with a GET argument for doc img_upload.php file returns the following XML format xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 rsp stat ok image_hash cxmHM image_hash delete_hash NNy6VNpiAA delete_hash original_image http imgur.com cxmHM.png original_image..

JQGrid: Loading data into the footer row


cell cell11 cell12 cell13 id 2 cell cell21 cell22 cell23 ... userdata price 1240.00 If you use another jsonReader all stat unchanged. The only which you can define is to change userdata name to another name but the value must be an object with..

Using fancybox in an AJAX loaded page


JqGrid addJSONData + ASP.NET 2.0 WS


' ' dataType 'json' type 'POST' contentType application json charset utf 8 complete function jsondata stat if stat success var clearJson jsondata.responseText var thegrid jQuery #list 0 var myjsongrid.. 'json' type 'POST' contentType application json charset utf 8 complete function jsondata stat if stat success var clearJson jsondata.responseText var thegrid jQuery #list 0 var myjsongrid eval '..

jQuery AJAX producing 304 responses when it shouldn't


record.' else .unblockUI .showGlobalMessage 'An error occurred deleting the attachment.' error function res stat alert res.toString alert stat.toString return false else return false showGlobalMessage is an internal function that.. .showGlobalMessage 'An error occurred deleting the attachment.' error function res stat alert res.toString alert stat.toString return false else return false showGlobalMessage is an internal function that creates a particularly formatted.. and have been staring at it far too long to catch it myself. Anyone see what I missed Thank you. jquery ajax http status code 304 share improve this question I cannot see you specifying the ajax request as a POST. So basically add .ajax..

Load Google Analytics from jQuery document ready?


tracking integration I just want my ready scripts to run first. My questions are 1 Will moving the GA code break their stat tracking in any way And 2 Do I need to emulate their use of two script tags one that generates the external script tag and..