

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:08:58

jquery Programming Glossary: star

Phonegap native app, submit form through PHP mailer on live server


input type button onclick submit value submit data icon star data theme b div form JavaScript .post 'http mobile.koolantkoolers.com.. div input type submit name submit value Submit data icon star data theme b form div div data role content style display none..

Turn a number into star rating display using jQuery and CSS


a number into star rating display using jQuery and CSS I have been looking at.. plugin to turn a number like 4.8618164 into a 4.8618164 stars filled out of 5. Basically interpreting a number 5 into stars.. filled out of 5. Basically interpreting a number 5 into stars filled in a 5 star rating system using jQuery JS CSS. Note..

jQuery UI ThemeRoller - Installing themes


the jQuery server was just having a brain fart Todays gold star goes to nick for putting me onto the trail of jquery ui 1.8.custom.css.. which eventually led to my epiphany EDIT 3 I've just started downloading Start and Humanity both zip files DO NOT have..

jQuery: Making a Favorite button with function?


addFavorite div a the class addFavorite is a normal grey star. Then i have another class AlreadyFavorite that is a yellow.. Then i have another class AlreadyFavorite that is a yellow star. I want to make a function so when you click on the grey star.. I want to make a function so when you click on the grey star it sends an ajax call and then on success it turns yellow changing..

JQuery Star Rating [closed]


Rating closed Can anyone suggest a simple JQuery five star rating script that is easy to setup. I just need a single instance.. found anything that was actually complete. jquery rating star share improve this question This looks nice http www.fyneworks.com.. question This looks nice http www.fyneworks.com jquery star rating But you will need more of a backend to make sure people..

Is there a callback for Twitter's Tweet Button?


currently. There is an open feature request and you can star it to get notified of completion. http code.google.com p twitter..

.NET Simple Form Submit via AJAX and JQUERY


could help me get this last kink out you would get a gold star for the day After some searching offline in books this finally..

Specifying the styles for the selected tab in a navbar


# data icon grid Second page a li li a href # data icon star Third page a li ul div div div body html What I want to achieve.. grid id custom li 2 Second page a li li a href # data icon star id custom li 3 Third page a li CSS #custom li 1.ui btn active.. JS '#custom li 1' .click function this .attr 'data icon' 'star' this .children .children .next .removeClass 'ui icon custom'..

rails ajax fav button for user posts


users. I would like the user to be able to click a little star next to each post to favorite that particular post through ajax...

How to make div appear from the top when scrolling down?


look like http www.space.com 11425 photos supernovas star explosions.html Here's what I got so far but it's not working... position from the top of the page plus its own height var startY 'header' .position .top 'header' .outerHeight window .scroll.. function checkY function checkY if window .scrollTop startY '.fixedDiv' .slideDown else '.fixedDiv' .slideUp Do this..

reset multiple css styles for one single div element


styles to the div with ID foo and all its descendants. The star is known as the universal selector and not surprisingly selects..

IE8 jQuery FadeTo


fancybox rel web img src assets imagelarge.jpg alt Rising Star Ranch span class title Some Title span Some other text... a..

How do I edit the CSS of one blog post but not others to have a 5 Star Rating System?


I edit the CSS of one blog post but not others to have a 5 Star Rating System I recently created my own blog using Google's.. I Read Section where I would like to have a static 5 Star Rating System in place of some kind. Perhaps with CSS I can.. target each book so I will be able to display from 1 to 5 Stars for the visitor to see. I'm not sure how to edit the CSS of..

Using Jquery Datatable with AngularJs


32.95 category Motorcycles action x name 1960 BSA Gold Star DBD34 price 37.32 category Motorcycles action x name 1900s..

jquery-like HTML parsing in Python?


JQuery Star Rating [closed]


Star Rating closed Can anyone suggest a simple JQuery five star..

Create nested UL lists from data object


Species url title New Planet url title New Star url title New Something Else url title Divorced..

Phonegap native app, submit form through PHP mailer on live server


textarea cols 40 rows 8 name company id company textarea div input type button onclick submit value submit data icon star data theme b div form JavaScript .post 'http mobile.koolantkoolers.com mailer.php' These are the names of the form values.. Name label input type text name company id company value div input type submit name submit value Submit data icon star data theme b form div div data role content style display none id formResponse thank you your quote has been received and..

Turn a number into star rating display using jQuery and CSS


a number into star rating display using jQuery and CSS I have been looking at jquery plugin and was wondering how to adapt that plugin to.. looking at jquery plugin and was wondering how to adapt that plugin to turn a number like 4.8618164 into a 4.8618164 stars filled out of 5. Basically interpreting a number 5 into stars filled in a 5 star rating system using jQuery JS CSS. Note.. plugin to turn a number like 4.8618164 into a 4.8618164 stars filled out of 5. Basically interpreting a number 5 into stars filled in a 5 star rating system using jQuery JS CSS. Note that this would only display show the stars rating from an already..

jQuery UI ThemeRoller - Installing themes


timestamps and different file sizes... I'm puzzled. Perhaps the jQuery server was just having a brain fart Todays gold star goes to nick for putting me onto the trail of jquery ui 1.8.custom.css which eventually led to my epiphany EDIT 3 I've just.. to nick for putting me onto the trail of jquery ui 1.8.custom.css which eventually led to my epiphany EDIT 3 I've just started downloading Start and Humanity both zip files DO NOT have a CSS folder Digging further it seems I might not be crazy..

jQuery: Making a Favorite button with function?


now i made this a href # title Add as favorite div class addFavorite div a the class addFavorite is a normal grey star. Then i have another class AlreadyFavorite that is a yellow star. I want to make a function so when you click on the grey.. div a the class addFavorite is a normal grey star. Then i have another class AlreadyFavorite that is a yellow star. I want to make a function so when you click on the grey star it sends an ajax call and then on success it turns yellow.. i have another class AlreadyFavorite that is a yellow star. I want to make a function so when you click on the grey star it sends an ajax call and then on success it turns yellow changing class to AlreadyFavorite . I know how to make a onclick..

JQuery Star Rating [closed]


Star Rating closed Can anyone suggest a simple JQuery five star rating script that is easy to setup. I just need a single instance on a single page. I don't care if it writes to a file.. a couple of day trying different scripts online but have not found anything that was actually complete. jquery rating star share improve this question This looks nice http www.fyneworks.com jquery star rating But you will need more of a backend.. actually complete. jquery rating star share improve this question This looks nice http www.fyneworks.com jquery star rating But you will need more of a backend to make sure people can't vote twice and to get an average of number of votes...

Is there a callback for Twitter's Tweet Button?


api twitter callback share improve this question Not currently. There is an open feature request and you can star it to get notified of completion. http code.google.com p twitter api issues detail id 1835 Update Twitter has since added..

.NET Simple Form Submit via AJAX and JQUERY


variables are null.. The previous help was awesome if anyone could help me get this last kink out you would get a gold star for the day After some searching offline in books this finally worked for me in concjunction with balexandres .aspx method..

Specifying the styles for the selected tab in a navbar


# data icon custom class ui btn active Home a li li a href # data icon grid Second page a li li a href # data icon star Third page a li ul div div div body html What I want to achieve is to set some styles for the currently active tab in.. btn active id custom li 1 Home a li li a href # data icon grid id custom li 2 Second page a li li a href # data icon star id custom li 3 Third page a li CSS #custom li 1.ui btn active background green important #custom li 2.ui btn active background.. you're looking for http jsfiddle.net phillpafford 8pwFK 29 JS '#custom li 1' .click function this .attr 'data icon' 'star' this .children .children .next .removeClass 'ui icon custom' .addClass 'ui icon star' .page '#custom li 2' .click function..

rails ajax fav button for user posts


obviously and have a long list of posts from different users. I would like the user to be able to click a little star next to each post to favorite that particular post through ajax. Any suggestions on how to achieve this The trouble I'm..

How to make div appear from the top when scrolling down?


slide down once you scroll pass the header. Here's what it should look like http www.space.com 11425 photos supernovas star explosions.html Here's what I got so far but it's not working. http jsfiddle.net nHnrd javascript jquery html share improve.. scrollTop value using jquery. For example Get the headers position from the top of the page plus its own height var startY 'header' .position .top 'header' .outerHeight window .scroll function checkY function checkY if window .scrollTop startY.. 'header' .position .top 'header' .outerHeight window .scroll function checkY function checkY if window .scrollTop startY '.fixedDiv' .slideDown else '.fixedDiv' .slideUp Do this on load just in case the user starts half way down the page..

reset multiple css styles for one single div element


Try this div.foo div.foo your styles which will apply the styles to the div with ID foo and all its descendants. The star is known as the universal selector and not surprisingly selects elements of any type. Or for just the immediate children..

IE8 jQuery FadeTo


rel external visit a span a href assets image.jpg class fancybox rel web img src assets imagelarge.jpg alt Rising Star Ranch span class title Some Title span Some other text... a li ul jQuery ul#portfolio li .fadeTo slow 0.3 In Firefox 3 and..

How do I edit the CSS of one blog post but not others to have a 5 Star Rating System?


do I edit the CSS of one blog post but not others to have a 5 Star Rating System I recently created my own blog using Google's Blogger. When I have completed reading a particular book I.. When I have completed reading a particular book I have a Book's I Read Section where I would like to have a static 5 Star Rating System in place of some kind. Perhaps with CSS I can target each book so I will be able to display from 1 to 5 Stars.. Rating System in place of some kind. Perhaps with CSS I can target each book so I will be able to display from 1 to 5 Stars for the visitor to see. I'm not sure how to edit the CSS of individual blog posts so I can target these specific read books..

Using Jquery Datatable with AngularJs


Motorcycles action x name 1957 Vespa GS150 price 32.95 category Motorcycles action x name 1960 BSA Gold Star DBD34 price 37.32 category Motorcycles action x name 1900s Vintage Bi Plane price 34.25 category Planes action x..

jquery-like HTML parsing in Python?


JQuery Star Rating [closed]


Star Rating closed Can anyone suggest a simple JQuery five star rating script that is easy to setup. I just need a single instance..

Create nested UL lists from data object


Land url title New Medicine url title New Species url title New Planet url title New Star url title New Something Else url title Divorced menuCaption Divorced url menu title Divorced One..