

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:08:58

jquery Programming Glossary: standalone

Web Page Source Annotation Tool


Should I write a browser extension Should I write a standalone application In what language EDIT A simpler version of the question..

Differences bettween contentType and dataType in Jquery ajax function


Dati XML inviati data xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 standalone yes javaBean foo bar foo fruit apple fruit javaBean Tipo di..

Two $.post requests one after the other.Second $.post request doesn't get executed


in the success function of the first ajax call . Here is a standalone example too bad jsFiddle cannot handle ajax... TESTER.PHP html..

Get computed font size for DOM element in JS


would be nice as I'm working on a script that should work standalone but that is not a requirement of course. Background I'm trying..

MVC with JQuery: handling Session Expire


error which is usually best to be displayed as a standalone error page. Configure the webapplication to display a customized..

How do I add a JQuery locators to Selenium Remote Control


there. Then run something like jar uf selenium server standalone 2.0b3 APT.jar core RemoteRunner.html jar uf selenium server.. APT.jar core RemoteRunner.html jar uf selenium server standalone 2.0b3 APT.jar core jquery.min.js If jar isn't in your path you..

jquery - difference between $.functionName and $.fn.FunctionName


had a plugin which could be used either with elements or standalone and you want to access it as .myPlugin or selector .myPlugin.. date is prepended to each alert message. When used as a standalone function we pass it the message as an argument and when used..

How do I pass the this context to a function?


to whatever selector we're on How do I write call my own standalone functions that have an appropriate this reference when called..

How do I verify jQuery AJAX events with Jasmine?


jQuery AJAX requests. I am currently using Jasmine in standalone mode i.e. through SpecRunner.html . I have configured SpecRunner..

Whats a Good Javascript Time Picker? [closed]


Picker closed What's a good time picker for jquery or standalone js I would like something like google uses in their calendar..

Jquery selector for <link> elements in <head>


HTML documents. Note in particular that a link node in a standalone snippet of HTML can be found just fine . share improve this..

jQuery deserialize form


deparam. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find a good standalone deparam. For now I recommend getting the jQuery BBQ library..

Long Polling/HTTP Streaming General Questions


The thing is such solutions are usually implemented as standalone single threaded asynchronous servers so they can store all connections.. still be very useful to understand how to implement a standalone asynchronous Comet server to handle many connections in a single.. on message queues Message Queue is a term that describes a standalone or built in implementation of the Observer pattern also known..

JSONP calls not working with apple-mobile-web-app-capable=“yes”


and force fullscreen mode jquery ipad html5 webkit iphone standalone web app share improve this question So the solution to this..

javascript code formatter and highlighter


have found many sites like jsbeautifier.org.. But I need a standalone jquery plugin which can process my code Please help me on this...

Web Page Source Annotation Tool


I get started I have little web application developing experience. Should I write a browser extension Should I write a standalone application In what language EDIT A simpler version of the question can be found here . A complete working solution is preferred...

Differences bettween contentType and dataType in Jquery ajax function


URL verso quale viene inviata la richiesta url form.attr action Dati XML inviati data xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 standalone yes javaBean foo bar foo fruit apple fruit javaBean Tipo di media type accettabile dalla response contentType application..

Two $.post requests one after the other.Second $.post request doesn't get executed


depends on the outcome of a first ajax call must happen in the success function of the first ajax call . Here is a standalone example too bad jsFiddle cannot handle ajax... TESTER.PHP html head script src ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jquery 1.8.3..

Get computed font size for DOM element in JS


inherited values and so on A framework independent approach would be nice as I'm working on a script that should work standalone but that is not a requirement of course. Background I'm trying to tweak CKEditor's font selector plugin source here so that..

MVC with JQuery: handling Session Expire


share improve this question This is typically an unrecoverable error which is usually best to be displayed as a standalone error page. Configure the webapplication to display a customized 4nn 5nn error page and setup jQuery as follows document..

How do I add a JQuery locators to Selenium Remote Control


and put the modified RemoteRunner.html and jquery.min.js files there. Then run something like jar uf selenium server standalone 2.0b3 APT.jar core RemoteRunner.html jar uf selenium server standalone 2.0b3 APT.jar core jquery.min.js If jar isn't in.. Then run something like jar uf selenium server standalone 2.0b3 APT.jar core RemoteRunner.html jar uf selenium server standalone 2.0b3 APT.jar core jquery.min.js If jar isn't in your path you can use the full path for example on windows you could execute..

jquery - difference between $.functionName and $.fn.FunctionName


a graph #someTable .plotGraph On a related note suppose you had a plugin which could be used either with elements or standalone and you want to access it as .myPlugin or selector .myPlugin you can reuse the same function for both. Say we want a custom.. same function for both. Say we want a custom alert where the date is prepended to each alert message. When used as a standalone function we pass it the message as an argument and when used with elements it uses the text of the element as the message..

How do I pass the this context to a function?


such as selector .each function this gives me access to whatever selector we're on How do I write call my own standalone functions that have an appropriate this reference when called I use jQuery so if there's a jQuery specific way of doing..

How do I verify jQuery AJAX events with Jasmine?


I am trying to use Jasmine to write some BDD specs for basic jQuery AJAX requests. I am currently using Jasmine in standalone mode i.e. through SpecRunner.html . I have configured SpecRunner to load jquery and other .js files. Any ideas why the following..

Whats a Good Javascript Time Picker? [closed]


a Good Javascript Time Picker closed What's a good time picker for jquery or standalone js I would like something like google uses in their calendar where it has a drop down of common times in 15min intervals..

Jquery selector for <link> elements in <head>


jQuery deserialize form


something that deserializes a query string is going to be a deparam. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find a good standalone deparam. For now I recommend getting the jQuery BBQ library and using that. If you don't need the other stuff you can remove..

Long Polling/HTTP Streaming General Questions


ones not using MQ. So how do they exchange the information then The thing is such solutions are usually implemented as standalone single threaded asynchronous servers so they can store all connections in a thread local array or something similar handle.. is not an option for you and you should use MQ. This could still be very useful to understand how to implement a standalone asynchronous Comet server to handle many connections in a single thread. Recent versions of PHP support Libevent and Socket.. a mobile app for instance . Could you please elaborate more on message queues Message Queue is a term that describes a standalone or built in implementation of the Observer pattern also known as 'Publish Subscribe' or simply PubSub . If you develop a..

JSONP calls not working with apple-mobile-web-app-capable=“yes”


Anyone have an idea on how to get around this Allow jsonp and force fullscreen mode jquery ipad html5 webkit iphone standalone web app share improve this question So the solution to this was tricky. Using JSONP you bypass the need to worry about..

javascript code formatter and highlighter


easily understandable. Just like jsfiddle.net. As of now I have found many sites like jsbeautifier.org.. But I need a standalone jquery plugin which can process my code Please help me on this. javascript jquery formatting share improve this question..