

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:08:58

jquery Programming Glossary: standard

What's the difference in the :not() selector between jQuery and CSS?


identically in both since jQuery borrows from the CSS3 standard or is there something I'm missing Is there a workaround for.. identically in both since jQuery borrows from the CSS3 standard or is there something I'm missing Perhaps it should but it turns.. CSS like syntax but it extends from what's defined in the standard. As another example this works just fine I know it's an incredibly..

jQuery.click() vs onClick


Which one is better Better for performance And standard javascript jquery html javascript events jquery events share.. Using '#myDiv' .click function is better as it follows standard event registration model. jQuery internally uses addEventListener..

How can I get jQuery to perform a synchronous, rather than asynchronous, AJAX request?


AJAX request I have a javascript widget which provides standard extension points. One of them is the beforecreate function...

How to disable/enable an input with jQuery?


true or input.disabled disabled Which is the standard way And conversely how do you enable a disabled input jquery..

jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content


enhancement .selector .table refresh While this is a standard way of table enhancement at this point I can't make it work...

Choosing and activating the right controls on an AJAX-driven site


var okayToClickAddtoCart false Assumes that size is a standard option tag or similar... waitForKeyElements .selectBox label..

Serializing to JSON in jQuery


serialize an object to JSON. I'm using jQuery. Is there a standard way to do this My specific situation I have an array defined..

How can I override the OnBeforeUnload dialog and replace it with my own?


works but it raises a default dialog with an irritating standard message that wraps my own text. I need to either completely.. wraps my own text. I need to either completely replace the standard message so my text is clear or even better replace the entire..

Is there a jQuery DOM change listener?


this is for a Chrome extension you might as well use the standard DOM event DOMSubtreeModified . See the support for this event..

How to filter the jqGrid data NOT using the built in search/filter box


more detailed. Let us use mtype GET . The only thing which standard search filter box do after displaying the interface is appending..

Window.onload vs document.ready ?


e.g. images also has been loaded. The onload event is a standard event in the DOM while the ready event is specific to jQuery...

jQuery Call to WebService returns “No Transport” error


public string HelloWorld return Hello World It's stock standard with no alterations to the class decorators. I have this jQuery..

Resetting a multi-stage form with jQuery


a multi stage form with jQuery I have a form with a standard reset button coded thusly input type reset class button standard.. reset button coded thusly input type reset class button standard value Clear Trouble is said form is of the multi stage sort..

jqgrid server side error message/validation handling


not place and information about the error inside of the standard successful response. You should just follow main rules of the..

How to send FormData objects with Ajax-requests in jQuery?


with Ajax requests in jQuery The XMLHttpRequest Level 2 standard still a working draft defines the FormData interface. This interface..

Cross Domain jQuery Ajax Request & WCF REST Service


the configuration file holding the service details I added Standard Endpoint and the binding in the config file standardEndpoints..

Parsing Date from webservice


returns Sat Jul 09 2011 06 52 41 GMT 0200 South Africa Standard Time If you need to strip it as is in Question var returnVariable..

How to capture submit event using jQuery in an ASP.NET application?


true scripts asp scriptreference path Standard Core Javascript Jquery.min.js scripts asp scriptmanager p..

Script runs slower in the dotnet WebBrowser control


issue with the WebBrowser Control rendering in IE 7 Standard Mode and the actual WebBrowser you are using in IE is either.. but for compatibility reasons it will render pages in IE7 Standards mode by default. If you want to take advantage of new IE9 features..

Is it OK to add your own attributes to HTML elements? [duplicate]


Possible Duplicates Custom attributes Yay or nay Non Standard Attributes on HTML Tags. Good Thing Bad Thing Your Thoughts.. or nay How to store arbitrary data for some HTML tags Non Standard Attributes on HTML Tags. Good Thing Bad Thing Your Thoughts..

How to bind bootstrap popover on dynamic elements


.html 'body' .popover popOverSettings Demo Other ways Standard Way Bind the popover again to the new items being inserted...

JQuery - Widget Public Methods


function var items var itemFocusIdx 0 .widget ui.list Standard stuff options ... _create function ... destroy function .....

auto resize text (font size) when resizing window?


.trigger 'resize' and in the resizeMe function I had this Standard height for which the body font size is correct var preferredHeight..

Convert date into dd/MM/yyyy format in JQuery


date as in Thu Oct 14 2010 00 00 00 GMT 0530 India Standard Time format. I want to convert this in dd MM yyyy format. What..

JqueryMobile - Listviews right arrow


right arrow image that apears on the rigt of the li object Standard list view Thanks jquery share improve this question In..

ul in the form not sending to the $_POST


li li class active not_the_dot span class l span a href # Standard Class a span class r span li li class dot radio_buttons li li.. available....basically i need the active class text like Standard business php jquery jquery ui forms post share improve this..

Add days to date using javascript


alert i get Thu Dec 06 2012 00 00 00 GMT 0500 Pakistan Standard Time which is wrong i want it to remain 24 06 2011 so that i.. joindate Fri Jun 24 2011 00 00 00 GMT 0500 West Asia Standard Time joindate.setDate joindate.getDate 1 substitute 1 with actual.. joindate Sat Jun 25 2011 00 00 00 GMT 0500 West Asia Standard Time alert 0 joindate.getDate .slice 2 0 joindate.getMonth..

jQuery Selectable Customization


content Royal li li categoryid 8 class ui widget content Standard li li categoryid 9 class ui widget content Train li li categoryid..

JQuery Mobile - User Login Best Practice


After some experimenting it seems that the options are Standard form submit with POST redirect Disable automatic ajax with data.. this question Basically that's according to the need. Standard form submit Point 1 is a very clear cut way but if login is..

What's the difference in the :not() selector between jQuery and CSS?


the selector work in jQuery but fail in CSS Shouldn't not work identically in both since jQuery borrows from the CSS3 standard or is there something I'm missing Is there a workaround for this if I really want to avoid relying on a script jquery css.. the selector work in jQuery but fail in CSS Shouldn't not work identically in both since jQuery borrows from the CSS3 standard or is there something I'm missing Perhaps it should but it turns out that it doesn't jQuery extends the not selector such.. and filters accordingly. It does in a way maintain a CSS like syntax but it extends from what's defined in the standard. As another example this works just fine I know it's an incredibly ludicrous example compared to what's given in the question..

jQuery.click() vs onClick


Some code I use either the first or second method in my application. Which one is better Better for performance And standard javascript jquery html javascript events jquery events share improve this question Using '#myDiv' .click function is.. javascript events jquery events share improve this question Using '#myDiv' .click function is better as it follows standard event registration model. jQuery internally uses addEventListener and attachEvent . Basically registering an event in modern..

How can I get jQuery to perform a synchronous, rather than asynchronous, AJAX request?


I get jQuery to perform a synchronous rather than asynchronous AJAX request I have a javascript widget which provides standard extension points. One of them is the beforecreate function. It should return false to prevent an item from being created...

How to disable/enable an input with jQuery?


to disable enable an input with jQuery input.disabled true or input.disabled disabled Which is the standard way And conversely how do you enable a disabled input jquery html input share improve this question jQuery 1.6 To change..

jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content


Enhancement example http jsfiddle.net Gajotres ck6uK Table Markup enhancement .selector .table refresh While this is a standard way of table enhancement at this point I can't make it work. So instead use trigger 'create' . Enhancement example http..

Choosing and activating the right controls on an AJAX-driven site


a design change introduced in GM 1.0. It restores the sandbox. var okayToClickAddtoCart false Assumes that size is a standard option tag or similar... waitForKeyElements .selectBox label value '10' selectShoeSize function selectShoeSize jNode jNode.prop..

Serializing to JSON in jQuery


to JSON in jQuery I need to serialize an object to JSON. I'm using jQuery. Is there a standard way to do this My specific situation I have an array defined something like this var countries new Array countries 0 'ga'..

How can I override the OnBeforeUnload dialog and replace it with my own?


a pretty common problem . window.onbeforeunload handler This works but it raises a default dialog with an irritating standard message that wraps my own text. I need to either completely replace the standard message so my text is clear or even better.. a default dialog with an irritating standard message that wraps my own text. I need to either completely replace the standard message so my text is clear or even better replace the entire dialog with a modal dialog using jQuery. So far I have failed..

Is there a jQuery DOM change listener?


answer is now deprecated. See the answer by apsillers . Since this is for a Chrome extension you might as well use the standard DOM event DOMSubtreeModified . See the support for this event across browsers. It has been supported in Chrome since 1.0...

How to filter the jqGrid data NOT using the built in search/filter box


functions and trigger 'reloadGrid' . I try explain the idea more detailed. Let us use mtype GET . The only thing which standard search filter box do after displaying the interface is appending of some additional parameters to the url sending to server..

Window.onload vs document.ready ?


loaded while the onload event occurs later when all content e.g. images also has been loaded. The onload event is a standard event in the DOM while the ready event is specific to jQuery. The purpose of the ready event is that it should occur as..

jQuery Call to WebService returns “No Transport” error


error I have the following web service WebMethod public string HelloWorld return Hello World It's stock standard with no alterations to the class decorators. I have this jQuery method var webMethod http localhost 54473 Service1.asmx..

Resetting a multi-stage form with jQuery


a multi stage form with jQuery I have a form with a standard reset button coded thusly input type reset class button standard value Clear Trouble is said form is of the multi stage.. a multi stage form with jQuery I have a form with a standard reset button coded thusly input type reset class button standard value Clear Trouble is said form is of the multi stage sort so if a user fills out a stage then returns later the 'remembered'..

jqgrid server side error message/validation handling


question. Probably I expressed me not clear enough. You should not place and information about the error inside of the standard successful response. You should just follow main rules of the HTTP protocol used for communication between the server and..

How to send FormData objects with Ajax-requests in jQuery?


to send FormData objects with Ajax requests in jQuery The XMLHttpRequest Level 2 standard still a working draft defines the FormData interface. This interface enables appending File objects to XHR requests Ajax..

Cross Domain jQuery Ajax Request & WCF REST Service


Well I figured out on my own. Solution was to modify the configuration file holding the service details I added Standard Endpoint and the binding in the config file standardEndpoints webScriptEndpoint standardEndpoint crossDomainScriptAccessEnabled..

Parsing Date from webservice


var date new Date 1310187160270 1200 console.log date returns Sat Jul 09 2011 06 52 41 GMT 0200 South Africa Standard Time If you need to strip it as is in Question var returnVariable Date 1346713200000 0100 var d new Date parseFloat returnVariable.replace..

How to capture submit event using jQuery in an ASP.NET application?


div asp scriptmanager id ScriptManager runat server enablepartialrendering true scripts asp scriptreference path Standard Core Javascript Jquery.min.js scripts asp scriptmanager p asp linkbutton id TestButton text Click me runat server p div..

Script runs slower in the dotnet WebBrowser control


As I understand it the issue you are dealing with is a versioning issue with the WebBrowser Control rendering in IE 7 Standard Mode and the actual WebBrowser you are using in IE is either IE 8 or IE 9 and it works there yet your JQuery JavaScript.. will normally use whatever version of IE you have installed but for compatibility reasons it will render pages in IE7 Standards mode by default. If you want to take advantage of new IE9 features you should add the meta tag meta http equiv X UA Compatible..

Is it OK to add your own attributes to HTML elements? [duplicate]


it OK to add your own attributes to HTML elements duplicate Possible Duplicates Custom attributes Yay or nay Non Standard Attributes on HTML Tags. Good Thing Bad Thing Your Thoughts In current learning project I am working on I need to add an.. has been much discussion about this Custom attributes Yay or nay How to store arbitrary data for some HTML tags Non Standard Attributes on HTML Tags. Good Thing Bad Thing Your Thoughts At the end of the day I am on the camp that believes data attributes..

How to bind bootstrap popover on dynamic elements


the selector here content function return '#popover content' .html 'body' .popover popOverSettings Demo Other ways Standard Way Bind the popover again to the new items being inserted. Save the popoversettings in an external variable. Use Mutation..

JQuery - Widget Public Methods


is an example of creating a widget with the public method. function var items var itemFocusIdx 0 .widget ui.list Standard stuff options ... _create function ... destroy function ... My Public Methods publicMethod function ... ... jQuery jquery..

auto resize text (font size) when resizing window?


like this function window .bind 'resize' function resizeMe .trigger 'resize' and in the resizeMe function I had this Standard height for which the body font size is correct var preferredHeight 768 var displayHeight window .height var percentage displayHeight..

Convert date into dd/MM/yyyy format in JQuery


date into dd MM yyyy format in JQuery I am getting selected date as in Thu Oct 14 2010 00 00 00 GMT 0530 India Standard Time format. I want to convert this in dd MM yyyy format. What have to do in jQuery javascript jquery datetime share..

JqueryMobile - Listviews right arrow


to make a standard jquerymobile listview without the right arrow image that apears on the rigt of the li object Standard list view Thanks jquery share improve this question In versions of jQuery Mobile 1.0 use the data icon attribute li..

ul in the form not sending to the $_POST


id form div class tabs ul li class dot clicked radio_buttons li li class active not_the_dot span class l span a href # Standard Class a span class r span li li class dot radio_buttons li li class not_the_dot span class l span a href # Business Class.. ....is there something i need to change to make this value available....basically i need the active class text like Standard business php jquery jquery ui forms post share improve this question ul items are not form elements and will not be..

Add days to date using javascript


On first alert i get the date 24 06 2011 but on second alert i get Thu Dec 06 2012 00 00 00 GMT 0500 Pakistan Standard Time which is wrong i want it to remain 24 06 2011 so that i can add days to it. In my code i want my final output to be.. parseInt dmy 2 10 parseInt dmy 1 10 1 parseInt dmy 0 10 alert joindate Fri Jun 24 2011 00 00 00 GMT 0500 West Asia Standard Time joindate.setDate joindate.getDate 1 substitute 1 with actual number of days to add alert joindate Sat Jun 25 2011.. 1 substitute 1 with actual number of days to add alert joindate Sat Jun 25 2011 00 00 00 GMT 0500 West Asia Standard Time alert 0 joindate.getDate .slice 2 0 joindate.getMonth 1 .slice 2 joindate.getFullYear Demo here share improve this..

jQuery Selectable Customization


ui widget content Quick li li categoryid 7 class ui widget content Royal li li categoryid 8 class ui widget content Standard li li categoryid 9 class ui widget content Train li li categoryid 10 class ui widget content Umbrella li li categoryid..

JQuery Mobile - User Login Best Practice


authentication but rather how to implement it on the user side. After some experimenting it seems that the options are Standard form submit with POST redirect Disable automatic ajax with data ajax false User submits check credentials at server then.. jquery authentication login jquery mobile share improve this question Basically that's according to the need. Standard form submit Point 1 is a very clear cut way but if login is failed need to reload the page so multiple requests one for..